
Perhaps that is what you have to be obsessed with! Which is what this is about, no?

I have plenty of questions I’m asking myself that are between me and eaatmoba, and many of them at this moment just so happen to do with love & attraction.

I’m dead serious when I write this:

It will be now when you see that hot chick. It’ll be now when you talk to her. If you hit it off, it’ll still be now. If she disses you, it’ll still be now. If you get to see her naked, it’ll be now. If you get married, your wedding will happen now. And that consistency means something. There’s something there that’s worth pondering. Of course, you have to notice it first. Then as it starts becoming clear, ponder the shit out of it.

Thank you, this gives me something interesting to look for.

o/ hi @henryyyyyyyyyy !

Just a brief note the correspondence was on January 28, 2016 – I was not around yet when those pivotal events in 2009/2010 happened :smiley: .