Roy's Journal

Hi @Roy,

Welcome to the forum, I do enjoy your introduction.

Ps: needless to say that these realizations were only possible because at some point I stumbled upon this website and the writings of a man named Richard but more importantly the writings of a woman named Vineeto which connected with me in a way like nothing I’ve read before. I wish I could be physically near her so I could hug her and thank her.

Thank you for your appreciation for ‘Vineeto’s’ writings. When I became actually free I was consequently quite suss of the words feeling being ‘Vineeto’ had written, and not sure if they were not misleading, so I am pleased you found them useful. Keep in mind though that they were written by a feeling being and thus could contain inaccurate information as well as helpful hints.

But at first I read the website only to dismiss it completely – it happened multiple times. Somehow – as meaningful these writings were – I felt the need to reject them. But later, experiences would always lead me to realize things that had been written on the website in clear and simple words all along.

I do like your honesty and sense of humour … and your persistence to come back to reading again after first dismissals. It bodes well for your further discoveries about of how to even more enjoy and appreciate being alive. (link)

Now I’ve spent many hours reading the pages yet it seems it is never ending and that I’ve only scratched the surface - seems like I’ve only read 1%. I think it is taking me longer because I’m not always ready to understand what is being said. I keep reading the same pages but I focus on different aspects of it every time. Now I’m a bit worried that once I read new things on the website I’ll disagree with them but of course that may happen and it’s fine.

It does serve you well to read Richard’s words more than once, there is so much to discover that is new to human consciousness. ‘Vineeto’ used to say that after the first few weeks of listening to Richard, reading his words, especially regarding the effects of any and all attempts to fit this totally new paradigm into ‘her’ existing mindset were having, ‘she’ explained to Richard the process as being … (1.) as if ‘her’ brain was being turned upside-down … and how (2.) ‘she’ was having to relearn how to think all over again.

So yes, it often took ‘her’ a few repeated readings of his words before it clicked and often ‘she’ would find new insights and unexpected gems. That is one of the reasons why you will find many repetitions on the website.

I can and must make up my own mind about things and think for myself – thankfully, gone is the time that I wasn’t aware that was the case.

Oh yes, that is essential, and the best way to do this is to verify it with you own experiential understanding. I remember well that a lot of things fell into place when ‘Vineeto’ had ‘her’ first major pure consciousness experience (link), it was the essential breakthrough to be able to begin to “think for myself” in regards to the radical, life-changing third alternative of actuality that was being presented in contrast to being either spiritual or materialistic.

Let me know if you would like some clarification on anything written on the AFT website, I am probably the only person, who has read everything Richard has ever written.

Cheers Vineeto

PS: I just re-read the first part of your introduction and it occurred to me that you might be interested in this correspondence (Mark) who had similar intelligent questions as you reported.