Query--being and separation

“Richard: Fifth, the core is not the doer but the beer and, as such, is being a non-separate experiencing…”
(Re: "Selected Correspondence: Self-immolation)

^Richard stated beer is being a non-separate experiencing.

Isn’t “being” also experiencing a separate state(being is feelings, and my feelings are me), and only PCE and the actually free states are the non-separate experiences?

I find it hard to parse that sentence apart, but possibly Richard is referring to the experience of an Enlightened Self, where the experience is that of “non-separate experiencing”, e.g. non-duality. It is in fact separate from actuality, but it is experienced as not being separate - and in a sense it isn’t (in non-duality ‘me’ is not separate from ‘Me’, there is just ‘What Is’ - the only problem is that this “What Is” is a total delusion :upside_down_face: )

Why? What difficulty do you find in it?

Fifth, the core is not the doer but the beer and, as such, is being a non-separate experiencing … and not a state of being a separate experiencer at all.

It’s hard to parse because you have beer & being, and “being a” on one hand vs" a state of being a" on the other, “experiencing” vs “experiencer”, and “being a non-separate” vs. “not […] being a separate”.

If I break it apart like this it’s easier to follow:

  • Fifth,
    • the core
      • is not the doer
      • but
      • the beer, [ i.e. the core == the beer]
    • and, as such, is
    • being a non-separate experiencing, [i.e. the core == being a non-separate experiencing]
    • and not
    • a state of being a separate experiencer [i.e. the core != a state of being a separate experiencer]
    • at all.

I guess I could re-write it like:

The core is not “the doer” but “the beer”, and, as such, it’s not that the core is “a state of being a separate experiencer”, but rather that the core is, in and of itself, being a non-separate experiencing.

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That was my interpretation, but as soon as I tried to write something explaining it, I made an impossible linguistic salad (if you had difficulty parsing that sentence, imagine me parsing and writing about it… lucky to have you :slight_smile: ).

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This helped clarify it for me, it seems that the word ‘experiencer’ as opposed to ‘experience’ is the one showing that the ‘beer’ is indeed… a being.

As opposed to the genuine lack of center as experienced in actual freedom.

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