
@rick You posted a discussion that you had with Richard a while back about becoming free. I can’t locate it right now but in it Richard said that one ‘must’ want it. This has stuck with me because I hadn’t heard him use the word must before in describing the mindset that one needs to have.
I have never felt that I ‘must’ do it and I don’t know what I need to do to achieve a ‘must’ mindset about it.

@jamesjjoo This is probably what you had in mind.

RICK: I suppose I am not ‘curious’ as to what makes me tick. I am ‘interested’ as to what makes me tick for the main reason that that is part of the means to my end (oblivion). Actually being ‘curious’ is a distant second.

RICHARD: Do you comprehend that oblivion is the end of suffering forever?

RICK: Indeed … That is my understanding.

RICHARD: The key to being free, then, is not altruism per se but wanting, with all of one’s being, to bring to an end, once and for all, the inherent suffering which epitomises human nature. Vis.:

• [Richard]: ‘… one has to want it like one has never wanted anything else before … so much so that all the instinctual passionate energy of desire, normally frittered away on petty desires, is fuelling and impelling/ propelling one into this thing and this thing only (‘impelling’ as in a pulling from the front and ‘propelling’ as in being pushed from behind). There is a ‘must’ to it (one must do it/it must happen) and a ‘will’ to it (one will do it/it will happen) and one is both driven and drawn until there is an inevitability that sets in. Now it is unstoppable and all the above ceases of its own accord … one is unable to distinguish between ‘me’ doing it and it happening to ‘me’.
One has escaped one’s fate and achieved one’s destiny’.

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Yes thanks, that is exactly what I had in mind :
There is a ‘must’ to it (one must do it/it must happen) and a ‘will’ to it (one will do it/it will happen) and one is both driven and drawn until there is an inevitability that sets in.”

I have heard the one about wanting it like a drowning man wants air but there is something about the word ‘must’ that grabbed me.
I think the key for me is in the word ‘must’. I am now looking at acquiring a ‘must’ mind set about becoming free. I am thinking that @geoffrey would say that the time to ‘must’ have it is now.
“Now it is unstoppable and all the above ceases of its own accord … one is unable to distinguish between ‘me’ doing it and it happening to ‘me’.”