Movies! (and TV shows)

Dude check out the Dude’s car’s license plate :laughing:


Oh, it’s the Dude!!!

I was just watching it for the 173736274th time and in the scene where he hits the dumpster after getting examined by Maude’s good man thorough doctor and I’m like “wtf does that say PCE?”

I think he was having a PCE enjoying some Creedence before hitting that dumpster

I am going to have to watch it again. As a Dudist Priest*, I have not been faithful to my creed😂

*I have the certificate somewhere.

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You’re actually not a good Dudeist if you find it :laughing:

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Your wallet, for example, can only have your flybuys card in it. That’s your ID

Amen brother.:joy:

I have a rug. :sweat_smile:

Just before going to bed I checked out “The Vault” (2021) on Netflix and folks check this scene out:

It prompted me to make this (my fellow Aussies here might appreciate it :joy:)

It also reminds me of this cool quote from Theodor Adorno:

“In general they are intoxicated by the fame of mass culture, a fame which the latter knows how to manipulate; they could just as well get together in clubs for worshipping film stars or for collecting autographs. What is important to them is the sense of belonging as such, identification, without paying particular attention to its content. As girls, they have trained themselves to faint upon hearing the voice of a ‘crooner’. Their applause, cued in by a light-signal, is transmitted directly on the popular radio programmes they are permitted to attend. They call themselves ‘jitter-bugs’, bugs which carry out reflex movements, performers of their own ecstasy. Merely to be carried away by anything at all, to have something of their own, compensates for their impoverished and barren existence. The gesture of adolescence, which raves for this or that on one day with the ever-present possibility of damning it as idiocy on the next, is now socialized.”

  • Perennial fashion — Jazz, as quoted in The Sociology of Rock (1978) by Simon Frith