Mood tracking

I’ve been using a daily mood tracker starting this month

I had the idea because I have a sleep tracking app that I’ve found useful to improve my sleep quality… since I’m interested in being happy and harmless? Why not a mood tracker?

I make 3 entries a day so I get a rough average.

The idea being that it holds me accountable… I can look back on the last month and see concrete evidence of how it has gone

With that, no excuses: “yes, I was feeling crappy.” Or “I’ve been feeling good for awhile… I’m ready to step up my baseline!” Or “I’m going backwards, I must be missing something.”

Plus, there’s a part of me that wants to get the ‘high score’ :grin: :grin:

It’s been good so far. I’ve taken it as motivation.

There are loads of apps out there, the one I’ve been using is called ‘Daylio’. Here are my results so far. Looking good!