Milito’s Journal

The SMS version of this will be “I :anatomical_heart:you”



Hi milito, congratulations on your breakthrough, very inspiring stuff :raised_hands:. I see you’re on a roll here with answering questions (and with having a damn good time in general) so I wanted to take opportunity to ask you about your experience with pure intent, how did it / still is manifest in your journey …


It’s lovely comparing notes with you man. You know before I was free I’d barely read your posts. It was my arrogance/accumulated resentment. I thought of you as what the Americans would call a “jock” cool type of guy that parties and gets hot chicks and stuff hahahaha. So your posts would almost literally look like a blur to me. Kinda like what happened in some VR social media scenario on Black Mirror (dunno if you’ve seen it).

Now im innocent and fas-cin-ated by you. Once upon a time it would’ve been comforting to see that I wasn’t the only one suffering those things. But from here I’m just like it’s so cool man.

I’ma read everything now! (Eventually :grinning:)

Excited for you man.


Thanks brother!

That’s an easy one:


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This thought just came up:

“Fark man this Milito guy is spamming the forum 24/7 now everyone must think he doesn’t do anything all day”

In the last day alone (it’s a public holiday I do work haha) I have:

  • made brekkie for everyone
  • swept and mopped house
  • done the washing
  • did gardening
  • went for 4 half hour walks
  • invited family friends and dad over for tea/lunch
  • did the washing up
  • got kids ready for bed
  • went for a kick at the park

I’m doing things constantly, spontaneously. And when I’m not it’s an absolute blast too just sitting or lying down…

Come on guys! What are you waiting for! Join me here! I’m no Richard. I’m a synthesis of Richard and Diego Armando Maradona!! VAMOS CARAJO :joy::joy::joy:


Ah that’s awesome haha, yes likewise it’s been super fun to read your reports. Most of the day today I spent kinda pottering around and waiting for the next nugget :grin: Then seeing if there is any parallels I can draw experientially.

I do find it genuinely fascinating to read and contemplate on the experiences of those who are actually free as it is my goal also.

There is something to the originality of the responses that allows me to separate what I have come to believe actual freedom is all about (in the form of some actualist morals etc) vs what the actual condition is like. So there is lots of lightbulb moments coming from these kinds of interactions.

Funnily enough many things I already know but there is doubt, a lack of confidence in my experience. In fact it is exactly what you mentioned earlier about being able to usher someone towards the seeing of a fact when you are actually free.

I remember when speaking with Geoffrey there was something about his matter of fact stating of the things which I already knew :joy: that really did it.

Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say things which were right in front of my face, but somehow in the confusion I was blind to them.


Omg man for me it was the total opposite. Most of the time it was like wtf are these scholars on about hahahaha. I 40% got it before becoming free. But that 40% I knew very … let’s say… solidly


Interestingly enough I do recall those vibes but I can no longer find them, it’s almost as if something disappeared? :thinking::joy:



Yooo I need to come visit and play futbol!

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Ok so what really stands out reading these posts and posts written by Geoffrey and Srinath too - there is a complete absence of solemnity / severity, this is what Richard mentioned that it is impossible for him to take life seriously.

This is great because it’s something ‘I’ can aim for too, something ‘I’ am capable off.

Also I notice that this seriousness is a key ingredient in maintaining the ‘who’, without it one can only be a fellow human being, and how could you be serious about that?


Yesssss :smiley:

BlockquoteWell doesn’t seem to have been a big shift, a momentary excellence experience perhaps

But I’m finding this deep-down dissatisfaction with the way ‘I’ am, for not having succeeded yet… now I am seeing the key is not to turn away from that, but to confront it, and, do something about it!


(Dunno how to quote Claudiu’s journal in mine and I don’t care hahaha :yum:)

Last night I went to bed after what was a perfect day. Yesterday we had some family friends and family over for what for the uncalibrated mind is a celebration of a mish mash of chocolate eggs, chocolate rabbits, a bearded carpenter who allegedly had an ultimately very painful relationship with wood and nails (who is said to have lived over 2000 years ago and is mentioned only in passing and who is mostly out of mind for most of the event supposedly dedicated to the memory of his carpentry related disaster) and seafood.

My wife and I never would get along in the kitchen but yesterday was sheer delight. We chopped, we squeezed (lemons, not each other), we stirred, we mashed, we floured and we fried things together. When she displayed her typical recalcitrant (where has Andrew been guys??? I hope he’s doing really well!) behaviours, there were memories of how I would react which led to me being able to do none other than smile this time round! And it was pure heaven cooking with her! An activity I would dread is now pure heaven! My mind, in this new state, is in a process of taking stock of all these amazing goodies and it is great, excellent and perfect.

As I lay down in bed at night after this perfect day (gosh I didn’t even mention how all the guests were opening up about themselves and making some wonderful insights about themselves and the human condition as a result), a possible response to Claudiu’s last journal post was swirling around in my head. I had a whole response typed out about these three ‘exercises’ I would do to establish what I now can call a stronger connection to pure intent but then the thought came up that, ‘nah don’t hit reply. This is a cringe rehash of what is already available on the AFT site’. So I discarded it and hit the pillow.

Guys I had the thought that it was cringe… no wait… THE THOUGHT CAME UP that it was cringe but but but:


There is no ‘I’ here anymore to feel that. So what does this mean? That thought when newly free is in a PROCESS of adjusting itself to this new state! And it is a delight for this flesh and blood body (which is the universe’s experience of itself as one) to be a witness to this process!

[Srinath and Geoffrey why didn’t you guys explain thought in actual freedom this way when I asked as a feeling being? Hey? Huh? Hey? Naughty naughty waves finger hahaha]

It’s all motha effin’ smiles man!

The thought after that was: “This body is in need of a some good rest. It has been a ‘long day’, get some sleep and see what comes up in the morning. This mind, this mind machine, needs to defrag and install some more updates during sleep. You’ll like what you see in the morning. Buenas noches, dulces sueños, oh wait you don’t have sueños anymore but you know what I mean shut up and just go to beddy bye bye.”

So I did.

And this is what it came up with only 5 hours later :innocent: :innocent:

[Claudiu I hope this helps, let me know if you want me to try and rewrite the cringe AFT rehash Milito’s three exercises for pure intent connection optimisation answer. I can do it for the remarkable price of $3,459… jokes jokes]


No. No more exercises. Please, I beg you. :joy:

But on another note, and I’m not sure if anyone has the same predilection as me, but it’s always hella more useful to interact with da free doods than it is reading about AF - for me. There’s something about the spontaneity of the conversations, the responses and the interaction that does it - even if it’s seeing the interaction happen with others.

Anyway, it’s a joy to see you write @milito.paz, I hope you continue.


Thanks brother. We’ll see what happens. Now get yo ass this side of the curtain :crazy_face: I’m tired of versing the CPU. Well not really but it’d be cool to play multiplayer ya know? :innocent::innocent:


Dood. I’m heeding the call. Just figuring out the final sticking points.

Send some lack of vibes my way.


Also send the bat signal to Claudiu and Kuba. I feel like they’ve been grinding levels long enough now :kissing_heart:

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Here you go

180 degrees opposite means towards sensing away from feeling. You can turn any vehicle you are driving or riding around 180 degrees and drive/ride that way. When the scenery starts to get so good you can’t handle it anymore you can step out/off the vehicle and start running! Then you can take your shoes off and start running barefoot!!! Then you are no longer running away from or towards anything! You are free!!!


But but there’s this really cool sidequest if I collect 4,000 sheep pelts I can get the strongest possible level 1 armor which I can use to enter the noob zone and really easily defeat the first boss again!!

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