Kub933's Journal

Hey @FrankN, I don’t think the process here is any different than looking at any other belief, it would go somewhat as below :

1 - I notice that my happiness and harmlessness keeps being usurped by the same theme and so I decide to do something about it.

2 - I identify the general theme then become aware of all the emotional structures which make it up, as well as the underlying passions which fuel the whole thing.

3 - I set off on a full exploration into this reality, investigating all the beliefs and feelings that make it up. Of course this exploration is not just intellectual, all the emotional concepts are fully felt then investigated with attentiveness. This looking is what allows for belief to be replaced with fact.

4 - The other dimension to this exploration which clicked for me yesterday is that if there is sincere intent to be happy and harmless, I am soon faced with the experiential knowledge of what this whole thing is doing to me and my fellow human being. Then if there is sincere intent to be happy and harmless I have no other option but to effect change within myself.

5 - If the above is done sincerely and obsessively it will lead to change. I have not resolved this particular thing yet so I cannot speak from experience here, however I have used more or less this process to resolve a bunch of other things that are now like a distant memory :grinning:

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Yes I hold Bruce Lee responsible for all this madness :stuck_out_tongue:

But yes it is exactly the kind of fantasy you describe, I wrote about it previously in my journal because @henryyyyyyyyyy made a similar observation to you.

The interesting thing is that this whole ‘sensei’ fantasy is no different to the master/disciple structure in religion which Richard writes so much about.

It is the pursuit for the ultimate power, to be forever set apart from others as special. It is crazy that this thing still persists in me but it does! I am intent in getting to the bottom of it though so we will see what comes soon, watch this space :grinning:


Wait a minute! Let’s keep Bruce Lee out of this equation. He and Muhammad Ali were my idols when I was a kid. Plus, he didn’t establish the “old cranky grandpa defeating the young folks” trope.
He was really special. I can watch the Chuck Norris fight scene over and over without ever getting bothered by it :smile:

I think the master in Big Stan definitely emulates the old cranky grandpa stereotype!

Once again Kuba, you surprise with very detailed,helpful, and clearly ( well organized ) written response.

Your response, has encouraged me to do my first “formal” investigation, into my feelings of uneasiness during ( sleep and awake) napping [ 1 hour long ] this afternoon.
When I would wake up, every 5-10 minutes, I would feel anxious and uneasy about the napping itself, as if I was doing something that I was not suppose to be doing.
There was a sense of maybe guilt or shame ( I am not too sure), about why I was napping!
I could recall these feelings with regards to being inactive during the day as a reoccurring theme.
Maybe I feel like I am wasting time, and also I am escaping the fact that I don’t have that much to
do? Being bored or ashamed of something?

When I decide to take a nap, there was no feelings or conflict about it; but when I would wake up several times during the nap, these feelings crept up. The feeling of helplessness and anxiety! Maybe shame about laziness?

Kuba’s and Elgin’s above posts reminded me of Ip Man ( the movie character) as to how noble and
great he was. Maybe I want to be more like him? More alive, more something else… And I realized that if I hold on to these negative feelings, I don’t have to give up the positive fantasies of being like Ip Man either?

This investigation is fairly fresh, and I have not had enough time to dig deep into it, hence a lot of
? marks :slightly_smiling_face: But if my intent is to be happy and harmless, then I need to do what I can and must to bring about change in how I feel and what I believe ( that are behind those feelings).

Update: I have been able to feel good more and more during the day, and am able to return to
feeling good, even after unpleasant emotions( much faster than ever before ). I don’t think I would
have much progress if it was not for this site and you all’s valuable inputs. :appreciation:


So I have been looking at what I mentioned in this post here - Journal de Henry - #335 by Kub933 with regards to that sense of waking on eggshells when interacting with people.

That aspect is still very much evident, it’s more or less there in most interactions. The interesting thing is that when I am feeling good it fades, when I am feeling excellent that aspect seems gone completely, there is only fun. I noticed this especially when doing my weekend hen party gigs. Usually before the job there is a certain current of anxiety that is very concerned with how they will react to me. Last weekend though I managed to dip into that place where there is only fun, and I found myself in the middle of this hen party, completely at ease, feeling excellent and with not a single part of me anxious about what may happen. It is very much the definition of all my energy being fed into the felicitous and innocuous feelings.

It’s really cool to experience this because it shows that this walking on eggshells it’s all to do with me, it is not ‘out there’ and it is not necessary at all.

Still though when I am back to more or less normal there is generally a holding back to some degree, and it seems to be to do with the volatility of peoples emotional reactions.

It is because when interacting with others it is almost impossible to ensure that some word I say or action I do does not bump into an emotion or belief and thus set off this entire reactionary response. Which usually leads to various forms of projecting, manipulating etc this is particularly evident in my work in customer service. Sometimes a customer is upset because they have misunderstood something, now for me to point out the facts of the situation is taken as an insult on them personally and of course this sets off a whole train of reactions that then have to be manoeuvred around successfully to keep some semblance of peace.

The main fear I have it seems is that I am afraid of what they will do, and not just the customers but people in general. There is this underlying fear that feels as though if I do not operate within this emotional framework successfully, I will have real consequences to deal with. Eg in the example of the customer they may go ahead and make a complaint towards me as a way proving to themselves that they were right after all.

On the other hand there is a resentment in me for having to navigate through this stuff at all, it goes something like “why do I always have to bite my lip when they are plainly wrong and refuse to acknowledge the facts”.

So the way out of this is not clear yet, I can see however that it is as always all to do with me. In most cases it is my fear of what could happen, and the general belief that something ‘bad’ will happen, that makes me enter this whole ‘game’ out of fear.

So it seems the thing to do is to actually see that it is safe to no longer play the game, to allow people to feel whatever it is that they are feeling, no longer looking to control how they react out of fear.

Of course this means being honest with myself as to wether I may be feeding into the situation with my own affective response. Yet it is pretty clear in seeing Richard writing on AFT or even @Srinath and @claudiu writing recently on the dharma overground, that even if I cut out my involvement completely, it does not prevent others from having reactionary emotional responses, those will end when humans are free of the instinctual passions.

There is also this interesting interplay between not triggering people too far and also not simply ‘going with the flow’. Because at the end of the day I probably don’t think and act like most people do, and there is good reason for this, if my friend wants to have a good long moan about the state of the world to me, am I just to nod and agree out of social politeness? Do I risk actually making it known what I think about the situation and potentially face their emotional responses? The cool thing is that this chain of events could actually benefit them (potentially)

I have tried that route of suppressing myself before and it does not make sense to me, after all why should I pretend to go along with the status quo when I have dedicated my life to finding something better, am I to forever remain silent out of fear? And what is the point of say hanging out with my friends if I am simply pretending to be like them? Do I not want to be close to my fellow human beings? And does that not entail not keeping a part of myself hidden?

Yet as above this has to be done in a way that is sensible and benign. All super interesting stuff to think about :grin: Lately there is a lot of confidence that I can live the answer to all these questions.

What I noticed as well when talking with @edzd and @henryyyyyyyyyy on zoom recently, is that when talking to individuals who are not as easily triggered the conversation can be so much more fascinating and beneficial to all concerned, it would be great to have this with everyone and not just actualists haha


I’ve found there’s a lot of skillfulness to be found in this issue, basically the two extremes are to always speak your mind / say exactly what you mean, or to never speak your mind and always conceal what you really think.

If you go to either extreme all the time there will be problems, with always concealing it’s obviously a missed opportunity for interesting conversations and who knows it may help someone.

But if you go to the other extreme, it’s not necessarily beneficial and I would even argue can be traumatic to people for someone to come along and completely undermine whatever world-view they’re existing in. The example I like to use is that it wouldn’t be very useful for me to walk into a church and proclaim, “God isn’t real, he’s your own projected delusion which has been institutionalized, your entire life is a lie.”

If anything, trying to do this would most likely make them embed further in their beliefs.

I’m still figuring it out myself, but I can say that people will supply some subtle hints of if they’re ready for ‘x’ conversation, or sometimes I’ll ask if they ‘want to talk about it’ before revealing my hand… little by little.

Especially when it comes to what the PCE makes evident, it is too much for most people!


The thing for me here is not even talking about ‘actualism stuff’ it’s more the day to day subtle emotional interactions that are going on, I will give an example :

The other day I was in the shop and as I left I was on my phone and was pretty busy sorting things out. The shop was very busy, lots of cars outside. There was a man reversing out and apparently he almost hit me with his car as I wasn’t paying attention. Which could have well been the case haha!

The thing is though he followed me in his car and shouted out of the window, with the clear intent of having an argument with me about my wrongdoings! :laughing:

Now there are 2 real word options that I would otherwise be expected to play along with :

1 - Accept my position as the one who is wrong and repent to him so that his own feelings are satisfied

2 - Go to war with him by entering a verbal/physical argument in which I demonstrate how he is in the wrong and thus restore my respect!

I could see he was already wired and ready to go for either of the 2 options, I could also tell he was sorta dumbfounded when I simply came up to the window and gently asked him to repeat what he said as I did not hear him, after he explained himself again I said “oh sorry I didn’t notice you there” in a matter of fact way and I continued walking to my car.

At the end of the day it’s no big deal all sorts of daily mistakes are made and there is no need for those to become ego battles, we simply cooperate and move on in a way that is beneficial to all. But I could see that I did not fulfill his expectation of what the interaction should have been, I didn’t play along with the script! :laughing: Yet what I did was the most sensible thing to do in the given situation. However I know it sorta grinds people’s gears or at least leaves them sorta disconcerted. It is like I am being ‘weird’ in a way that is not allowed, and I realise that this can lead people to do all sorts of weird stuff. Not entering that psychic power battle at all is very weird territory and yet I see no sense in taking the currently available options within humanity. There would only be damaging consequences to me and him if I chose either of the options above.

I think that actually perfectly sums up not playing the ‘game’ and there is a feeling of fear, of something bad happening if I continue not playing along with the script. I guess there is something to simply road testing all this out and confirming that indeed being this way is sensible, is benign and is safe to continue doing.


Yes this makes sense, it just comes down to trying out all sorts of different things and seeing what gives the best results

Which is I suppose where the fear comes from, too - doing anything outside the ‘normal’ of humanity - but then that’s the question, right? Would you rather do the options considered normal, or risk it all and try something else?

It really is thrilling :grin:

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Right and also looking back, every time I took that very scary option of stepping out of normal the results were that my life became better, not once has it back fired yet! But it’s funny how that same fear can hobble me time after time (it just wears a slightly different mask) even though it has been wrong %100 of the time so far! :smiley:


That’s what keeps us going! But each new time is a new instance because it’s related to the belief in that instance. I guess at some point it becomes more an issue of nipping it in the bud, though


Aah the car issues are probably my favorite ones after queue cutting ones…plenty of triggers can happen. Vineeto has also written about that one car episode when a guy thought she’d parked at a wrong place. It’s a pretty intresting day to day scenario for an actualist n how to tackle them. Here it goes :

"VINEETO: About two years ago a situation occurred that I would have usually perceived as dangerous. I got into my car to drive away in the morning, when the neighbour next door, a rather hot-tempered and muscular young bloke, approached me and started yelling at me through the open car window. I had parked in front of his unused garage and he made it very clear both in words and body language that he was very upset about it.

Despite the fact that my fear sensors went on alarm, I was able to sensibly check out the situation and I could see that I was physically relatively safe – the only thing he could do was punch my face through the open window and he did not seem to have the intent at this moment. I listened to what he had to say and when he got to repeat it for the third time I quietly said I would remember his wish in future, closed the window and drove off. It took a while until the chemicals triggered by the amygdala subsided but I was pleased that I had not reacted angrily or defensively. Two days later I met the guy again, greeted him in a friendly way with no emotional charge whatsoever and was surprised when he began to apologize for his strong reaction. He said he had not known I was a neighbour and offered that I could park my car in front of his garage from now on.

This situation showed me that it is indeed possible to respond to an attack without instinctual aggression and malice but also without fearful submission. Therefore I can say that in the case of an occurring physical attack I would fend for myself as much as needed – or retreat if that is possible – but that I would not react with malice. This flesh and blood body is perfectly capable of fending for itself and can do so much more sensibly and effectively without the interference of instinctual paralysing fear or vengeful aggression.


Haha that’s a good find! Very similar situation although in the one I described there wasn’t really any fear happening or malice either, this is what made the situation even more odd I guess, it was all very matter of fact and feeling wise not much different then had I just talked to him about the nice weather we’re currently having :laughing:

What tends to put me on edge in general though is the overall volatility of peoples reactions as demonstrated by that man.

I had a cool experience this morning when I woke up to go to use the toilet. I remember Richard writing about these states and I have experienced many times that some interesting things happen when just beginning to fall asleep and just after waking from sleep. To me it seems that in those states ‘I’ am not fully loaded yet which can lead to some cool insights.

This morning when I went to the toilet I noticed from the corner of my eye something move by my feet, I assumed it to be a spider but it could have equally been some random fluff. Either way I immediately became fascinated by the fact that we exist in a universe where stuff is moving of its own accord. In normal perception I project the little persona called ‘spider’ that is responsible for moving the body of the spider, the ghost in the machine. In that instant I saw that the Actual universe is empty of such things, there is actually ‘no-one’ in existence, as in these ‘beings’ that apparently live inside of and navigate objects, or the grand ‘someone’ behind the scenes pulling the levers.

Contemplating this I became completely amazed at the magic of it all. The game I am currently playing is all about a land that is imbibed with a force that causes all things living and dead to turn into various magical creatures and this experience was not much different. This universe we exist in is completely devoid of any kind of spirit or external force and yet the actual physical stuff of it is moving, how stupendous! After all this when I was slowly falling back to sleep again, I had this thought of “no wonder all the actually free guys say life is not a serious business, how could it be when living in that enchanted world?”


what game?

Path of exile, I’m so into it haha :smiley: I used to love Diablo 2 when I was a kid and this has a similar vibe.

There is something we were discussing in one of the video chats that has stuck with me. @geoffrey mentioned (to my understanding) that when rememorating a PCE one is experiencing perfection right now. This is the only way a PCE can be remembered, by experiencing its flavour now.

This has somewhat keyed me up to these things happening, as I often had what I would call ‘glimpses of perfection’. These would be experienced as these extremely brief (around 1-3 seconds) flashes of utter purity and perfection with not a hint of ‘me’ there.

I was always hesitant to call these PCE’s but only because they were so brief, they did not allow me to properly reflect on the experience whilst the experience was happening. Yet they had all the qualities of a PCE, qualitatively they were the same as the PCE.

I had a really outstanding one of those flashes yesterday when I was sitting in my car and having a cigarette before training. I was contemplating on something and all of a sudden I looked at my hands and they had that magical sparkle that I know so well, this immediately drew my attention, I was fascinated. This fascination drew my attention even closer to being here, I was fascinated by the fact that I am actually here!

Then briefly the experience ‘flipped’ and I found myself in a world that I remember so well and it was such a delight to find that world again! :smiley: it was only experienced for a couple of seconds though.

The main reason why I am confident that this ‘flash’ was a PCE was because I saw with complete 100% certainty that this world has NEVER known sorrow and malice, and man what a relief that was. Throughout the day I have been getting drawn towards ‘there’ again. I think for the past 8 months or so I have in some weird way downplayed the PCE, like I did not want one to happen. But experiencing it even that briefly again has reminded me that it is the ultimate experience for a human being, how could I not want it? What sort of crazy business am I getting up to in order to prevent it!? :man_facepalming: :laughing:


The past few years I have enjoyed good financial and general life stability and the past few weeks everything has turned on its head!

In a period of a couple of weeks I put all of my savings into a house, whatever was left of the savings was also spent on poncho. I then took a car trip across England which ended up with me breaking down on the motorway and left my car completely knackered with no money to fix it.

So as it stands now, I have no properly working car, no money at all, a new pet to take care of and that financial/overall stability is crumbling all around me :joy:
So it has been an interesting time, and I mean that sincerely. As in it has been interesting to observe what remains as ‘my’ security is crumbling away.

What I have been chipping away is this incessant need to plan and scheme. This has been one that has troubled me forever and I am now finally looking squarely at resolving it once and for all.

This current situation is quite serendipitous in getting me to question this planning, scheming and control in general. Because at the moment I don’t even know where the money will come from to get the basics, never mind weaving together grand schemes and plans. There is also just so many shifting parts in my life at the moment that it is almost impossible to make any plan as to what I will do and how I will act. I can see this and as scary as it is to face this initially, this is also where the genuine answer is. It is like the universe has forced my hand finally to admit that it simply does not make sense to plan out and control my life, it is not possible.
Life is already happening and then ‘I’ make stories around to say A went to ‘my’ plan and B didn’t, ‘I’ am arrogating myself over what is happening and then either taking credit or despairing when things don’t line up.

The other interesting thing is something that @claudiu has mentioned a while back with regards to Pure intent. That once the connection is established there is a certain safety that is fundamentally there no matter what is going on or what emotional dramas are happening. This is very much how I have been experiencing all this. There is fear and discontent at ‘my’ security crumbling away, it is like an inconvenience on ‘my’ demands. However it seems like it is not possible for me to ever truly fall into despair anymore.

The dramas are there and they are being looked at with the intent of resolving them, sometimes when things are going bad I will fall into feeling bad but it is like there is a net which ensures I can only get so low. At the end of the day I am well aware that I am getting upset simply because I am objecting to life right now in whatever form it takes, but to some extent there is the seeing that nothing is actually going wrong, nothing can go wrong.

So all in all I am actually quite excited to see how all this pans out, what will be left when the scheming, planning and controlling stops. I have already had glimpses of what will be left, it is that place where life is already complete, funny that I still resist it though! I still take ‘my’ manufactured security over an actual safety even though ‘my’ security is so very flimsy and actual safety is unassailable.

It seems to go back to this addiction to ‘being’, I cannot accept that there is an actual safety because then ‘I’ have nothing left to do :joy:

‘My’ security needs to have some holes in it so that the cycle can continue! ‘My’ security relies on ‘danger’ to exist and so ‘I’ am not willing to allow a situation where there is only safety.


Reading this back really highlights how absolutely nuts the human condition is :laughing:

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Ever since I have had a mortgage, I have been faced with these kind of situations too. Once I wiped my savings to buy our house and help my wife get a new car we had constant other problems with no money, hence the whole debt situation. I was a council house tenant too, so I gave up the safety net of being guaranteed a council house too. All my cards to play were given up so to speak.

So much bad timing and bad luck. There are family members like my father in law who could have helped, even just lend the money rather than give it outright and he wouldn’t help. I begged for help back then when so desperate. Then you realise you can’t rely on anything or anybody. You have to be prepared to go outside your comfort zone. Earn more, achieve more, get more debt…whatever it takes to get the necessary outcome.

I can see that I have done this all the time too. Very often saying it hasn’t gone to plan and the universe is against me.

There are always options right. Making do without a car, or getting a credit card or loan temporarily to pay for the car to be fixed and other things. Like in my debt situation, worse comes to worse I could wipe all the debt off and accept the ruined credit score for 6 years. The fear paralyses us to the sensible assessment of the options and deciding the optimal path.

:rofl: I never thought of it this way. I am clinging on to a purpose, a justification for the status quo.

:crazy_face: I am seeing the absurdity in everything lately. I am able to laugh at myself more, it helps loosen the grip of the fear, sorrow, aggression or whatever is arising in me.