It is becoming clearer that there is only 1 thing truly worth doing at this point. Whenever I watch various media like podcasts etc I notice that everyone is trying to do something. Watching a Jordan Peterson podcast just now there is clearly a well meaning person there, psychologically and psychically contorting himself into a pretzel in order to find a solution within the human condition. And I see the same all around, all these various systems which are well meaning but ultimately futile are being attempted by people worldwide.
And there is 1 difference here, why Richard succeeded and all those others failed. It is because Richard did not believe that human nature was set in stone. Of course if we accept this premise then the only thing that is possible is to do exactly what everyone has been doing for thousands of years with only questionable ‘success’.
I thought about this now and indeed if human nature was set in stone then life would be a sick joke, it would be an endless battle to keep ‘me’ in check, to continually deal with the problems that arise from ‘being’ itself. Then psychology and psychiatry and philosophy and the rest of it would be forever needed. This kind of fate would not approximate at all the perfection and purity which is evidenced in a PCE. And it is the PCE which shows by direct experience that freedom from the human condition is possible, that life is not a sick joke after all.
The PCE is the guiding light for an actualist because that perfection and purity is what ‘I’ strive to imitate. But it seems it comes to a point where this imitation is simply not good enough anymore, where only living the genuine article will satisfy.
I am always blown away by the distance that exists even between a happy and harmless ‘me’ and the perfection and purity of the PCE. How ‘my’ most precious feelings, beliefs, plans, schemes etc indeed ‘my’ whole life, can be shown in an instant to be worth absolutely nothing against that peerless perfection and purity. Even a momentary flash of the actual world immediately makes ‘my’ whole life pale in comparison, actually there isn’t even any comparison to begin with.
In this way even virtual freedom (although being way beyond ‘normal’ human expectations) is merely a half measure when contrasted against what the PCE demonstrates. There is very much this sense that what I have now is simply not good enough anymore. And not only that it is not enough to satisfy me but more so that humankind is in dire need for a solution which will eradicate the human condition. The original cause of all the issues needs to be eliminated rather than endlessly coming up with systems to ameliorate the symptoms which flow from this seemingly set in stone condition.
It’s interesting listening to someone like Jordan Peterson using his clearly sharp intellect to compose mind-bogglingly complex ‘solutions’ and then to consider that none of this activity would be needed if human nature was demonstrated to have the capacity for radical and fundamental change, as opposed to being “set in stone”.
I see this is what I get to do by becoming actually free. It is to demonstrate by living example that human nature is not set in stone, which means that life is not a sick joke, which means that none of those ‘tried and true’ systems need be entertained anymore. It is to demonstrate by living example that there is a far better solution available.