This is my experience — there really is only one outcome left. But I got here willingly and with knowledge aforethought so that was the whole point haha
But yea it’s clear no objection will actually last or hold up. It’s not even a matter of pushing or putting ‘more effort’ or doing ‘more’ per se. At this stage it seems more about accepting and understanding what is happening and this is what makes things progress.
A recent gem was in seeing that actually self-immolating is an eminently sensible thing to do. It just makes sense to do it! It’s a positive, beneficial thing to do. It actually does the most I can to resolve the human condition, the madness and sadness in the world. And this is a fact, it will actually do this the best I can — it’s not a self-centric ‘excuse’, it’s the fact of the matter (whether someone enmired in the human condition would recognize it or not). And it’s of benefit to this body, not only from not having to feel bad about anything anymore but also the sheer delight, enjoyment and appreciation that is available.
So it just makes sense to do it. And any feeling or objection that arises is not a stopper or deal-breaker, it’s just the next thing to look at.
So yeah the stage has been set and now it is just a matter of actually doing it. Straightforwardly so, in the past it felt more like it’s a roundabout approach I have to take, almost trying to trick myself into feeling good, avoiding pitfalls etc., with constant pullback into the depths of the human condition, but now it’s really just very straightforward, there is a goal, it is directly in front of me and I just have to go in a straight line towards it haha.