Kub933's Journal

So driving home just now I had a very interesting experience which I wanted to put to some scrutiny because of it’s potential implications. In the experience I saw that when I am a flesh and blood body only there is no possibility of ultimately drawing a line segregating this body from the rest of the universe.

Of course the apperceptive awareness is happening in this particular flesh and blood body but this apperceptive awareness is a process, it is not a ‘thing in itself’ like the ‘self’ is, with ‘hard boundaries’ that segregate it from the rest of existence.

So in this experience it was obvious that I am this flesh and blood body but at the same time there is no difference (ultimately) between this body and that tree or that car, and all the way to infinitude.

So the implications of this seem like megalomania on steroids, I can see how a lone and desperate ‘I’ would grasp at this and use it to aggrandise ‘itself’ to become a god. Yet the god (who ultimately still has boundaries) would sit in aloneness.

But it was like “wait a second…” it is not just that I am this body that is part of the universe (this would still imply some ultimate boundaries), rather what I actually am is the infinite and eternal universe experiencing itself (as a flesh and blood body), which is to say that there is no differentiation (ultimately) between this body and the rest of infinitude!? So what I am as a flesh and blood body is infinitude looking back at itself :exploding_head:

Of course when this body dies there is no longer the process of apperceptive awareness happening so this particular flesh and blood body can no longer be aware of being that very infinitude experiencing itself. But this takes ANY sting out of death, how could death be a problem for this body when it is the very infinite and eternal universe experiencing itself.

This is a security that is greater than a god would have, for god still has a boundary, a beginning and an end. Whereas this universe is as Richard wrote “a veritable ‘perpetuum mobilis’; absolute in its infinitude”. And this absolute universe can be aware of itself as a flesh and blood body, this is what I am once ‘I/me’ as ‘self’ disappear, this is huge!