Haha yes I have noticed the same thing a few times now. I didn’t initially see this one when I read @claudiu’s recent post but both our discoveries point in the same direction - ‘me’ being in charge / trying to ‘be’ perfect is a burden that is impossible to ever successfully carry out, what is more is that ‘I’ am this very burden. ‘I’ can never succeed in this burden, rather ‘I’ release ‘myself’ from ‘being’ this very burden, seeing that it was never required.
Yes this is exactly what I was trying to get at, I find it takes a bit of adjusting to be able to interact with others when at times it is as if we are speaking a different language. I wonder if this is a skill that one polishes as an actually free person, accounting for identities when speaking with identity encumbered bodies?
This “paying lip service” is more difficult whilst in virtual freedom as ‘I’ am still in some ways stirred by this ‘real world language’, it is like ‘I’ am in-between reality and actuality and can kind of speak both languages, but neither is fluent
Yes and this is also what I can see, as identity is calenture it is not that there is anything of substance to be eliminated. It is as if one is possessed by a madness and then finally one comes to one’s senses to find that one has always been here.
However as ‘I’ am that very madness ‘I’ have to be willing to disappear in ‘my’ entirety. This is so that this body is freed from being as if a marrionette to the dictactes of ‘my’ illusions.
This is why it is correct to say that life happens of its own accord AND at the same time that ‘I’ am in control of this body.