Now I realise that going out from control (which is a different way of ‘being’) is small potatoes compared with ‘my’ total extinction. But it was a qualitative shift of sorts so I can see that I cannot know what something is like before it is experienced, and of course this applies to ‘my’ self-immolation, as Richard wrote in his journal :
Just like one cannot know the taste of something until one eats it … so too is it with death as the end of ‘being’
I remember specifically from my PCEs that I find myself in a completely different world, and this is not hyperbole, it is a whole new world. So with the ending of ‘being’ this body finds itself firmly and irrevocably in that whole new world, with ‘me’ and ‘reality’ having never actually existed in the first place.
So yes I can see that there is no way ‘I’ could possibly reason this out in advance, actually it’s kind of funny to consider that ‘I’ might even try.
Hi Kuba,
It’s a delight to read your posts.
Yes, the actual world cannot be imagined and neither can ‘being’ conceive of ever not ‘being’ and this is truly “funny to consider that ‘I’ might even try”. It will save you a lot of head-ache to not even try.
What you can do is have supreme confidence that you know what you are heading for, from you experiences of you PCEs and the pure intent born from your PCEs and from experiencing it during your out-from-control period.
So this is good news actually! Because there is no recipe, and as there is no recipe there are no steps to follow, as there are no steps to follow then now is both the way and the means.
It is good news indeed and it’s great you can experience it that way. Now you know for certain that there are no conditions to becoming actually free and hence nothing is standing in the way for ‘you’ to allow it to happen.
[Vineeto]: To succeed, you will have to dare to care, to care so deeply that you dare to do something, to allow something to happen, that has never happened to you before. This aspect of it is an immense daring and hence it needs a deep and abiding caring – and then, in the blink of an eye, you are here, here where you belong.
This is just wonderful advice, received clearly and with much appreciation
It reminds me of Srinath’s report of becoming free :
The enormity of this dawned on me suddenly like it never had before. The enormity of what I had to give up. It took my breath away
This is the kind of daring and the kind of care we are talking about. I can see it will take a once in a lifetime dedication to have it happen, something ‘I’ have never done before and will never do again. Indeed what a time to be alive!
It is utterly thrilling to stand on the threshold of what you wanted to happen for so long, and from my experience it is also like coming home because it has been so familiar from the PCEs – the ones which told me that this is how I wanted to live for the rest of my life – just much, much more.
I greatly appreciate both your daring and your caring to go all the way.
As you so aptly say “now is both the way and the means”.
Cheers Vineeto