Kub933's Journal

It’s starting to make sense what self-immolation is all about, the ‘how to’ of it…
It never made much sense to me in the past, that ‘I’ would have to do it for others and yet it is what ‘I’ secretly want, it seemed like some weird puzzle.

I can see now that self-immolation is very much about making use of the instincts in order to end the instincts, but how?

I can see that oblivion is something which ‘I’ secretly desire, and yet ‘I’ have a fundamental limitation here, because ‘I’ am programmed to survive at all cost. So ‘my’ very nature prevents ‘me’ doing that which ‘I’ secretly desire.

However there is like an ‘override button’ there is a way around this seeming impossibility. It is altruism, another aspect of ‘my’ programming.

So ‘I’ can override ‘my’ very survival instinct (that fundamental limitation) by activating altruism (doing it for this body that body and everybody) AND the cool thing is that ultimately ‘I’ get what ‘I’ secretly wanted all along too, ‘I’ get ‘my’ sweet oblivion.