Dear @Vineeto , thank you very much for your feedback, I really appreciate it a lot, and I read all your comments to the rest of the participants in this forum, because it is being very helpful to me in clarifying my doubts and giving me an increasingly stronger push towards the path to freedom. I found it very meaningful that you shared with me what the transformation of “sympathy and compassion for the…suffering of human beings” into ‘near-actual-caring’ was like for you towards the end. I have no doubt that my two more powerful aspirations/motivation forces are actual intimacy and actual care.
Today, after some years, I was watching again the DVD “out of control” and some phrases and moments really struck me:
16:30 “instead of living in the present… let the universe live your life… the entire universe could do a better job…”
25:35 (‘Vineeto’ tears of sweetness)
34:31 “…it is selfish to stay in the real world…awfully selfish…”
It was a boost to see this particular video again!
Golden @Kub933 !!