James' Journal

Yes, I got an MRI and it looks like I have at least two bulging discs. I have to take the MRI to the dr at my appt on 10/4.

How is your health otherwise? Weight? Diet? Etc.

I found even being 10 kilograms ( 22 pounds) over my natural weight was causing knee aches.

I lost 7 kgs recently and feel a lot better.

My health is pretty good otherwise with the aid of a lot of medicine. I’ve lost 19 lbs since having this pain.

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Oh, well done.

Yeah, my late brother was fit, and still had the same pain from disc degradation. Though weight definitely makes it worse.

One thing to avoid is injections. That can be botched really easily. My brother had them and ended up in emergency. Malpractice was to blame, but the fundamental theory is very suss.

Core strength, posture, glucosamine, vitamins, good diet.

Glucosamine is an interesting one actually. It’s controversial, as it’s just a sugar the body uses to build cartilage. However, I took it during training and after running a marathon and I found instant relief.

How much more weight could you reasonably loose? Are you far from your ideal weight?

I’m at my ideal wt now.


Serendipity. I decided to get another spine dr and serendipitously found one that I really like. He has already showed me that the problem is a slipped disc which is pinching a nerve. He is sending me for physical therapy and started me on a new drug regimen. I already feel better and should be getting better soon.


Ever since I have been run over I have constant problems with my back and neck and recurrent injuries. These at times debilitating like struggling to put socks on or wipe my own back side. Your back is so important for so many things. Increasing my core strength and doing more swimming (which I stopped now) really helped. I can’t imagine how painful that must be pinching on the nerve. I am glad you are happier with the new help and I hope you can recover without the need for lumbar decompression surgery.


I’m hoping to start the physical therapy next wk and I hope that helps. He says they don’t want to do back surgery on men my age. I know you have been thru a lot. I remember talking to you when you were having a lot of pain. Is your pain all the time or comes and goes. At least I’m free from pain when sitting or laying.

Good luck, hope it helps.

First 2 years after my accident were the worse, every sector of my back hurt and had problems.

Then I have had some random re-injuries during sport, exercise or times of heavy lifting, even just holding my kids. It seems I always have to be aware of how I use my back, once I did my back in just picking up a pen off the floor at work and not thinking about the correct way to bend from my knees. Being a software developer is not a healthy job for me, it is not great for my posture. But these issues since have always been just 1 or 2 sectors of the back hurting, which still sucks but nothing like the first 2 years were so many areas of the back and neck hurt.

Lately, since I upped my core strength around 2017-2018 more it seems to be far less of a problem, and when I have had it, the issue lasts shorter timeframes which is great. I am finding I need to take meds less and less, the docs gave me a huge dose of liquid codeine for it. Used to get benzodiazepine but they stopped giving that lol and I really haven’t needed it again.

With the muscle spasms sometimes there is no posture that can give you comfort which is annoying. I am glad you can still relax and experience relief.

One thing I have noticed since being off my medication for depression and anxiety and recovering more is that there is less physical tension in my body from an emotional influence. Like I am looser, less wound up if that makes sense.


Ultimate actual intimacy is with myself (flesh and blood body). I don’t see how I could have that same intimacy with another flesh and blood body.

It’s all the same intimacy because in actuality there aren’t any boundaries

Your nerves end at the surface of your skin, but what they’re detecting is the air, your clothes, the insides of shoes if you’re wearing shoes, the surface of a chair if you’re sitting

Extend this with hearing

Additionally extend with sight

In actual experiencing the clarity and directness of all this sensing is elevated beyond imagining

And sometimes we’re sensing (sensately!) other living humans or animals or plants, etc

One intimacy!

This sounds good but I don’t quite buy it. There still has to be an interpretation of another body.

Who is being “actually intimate” with your body?

Although I don’t know what actual intimacy is, it sounds like neither do you. Unless you are calling a feeling of intimacy, actual intimacy. Which is obviously, a feeling.

Actual = no feelings.

My understanding is actual intimacy is only experienced in a PCE or actual freedom.

A feeling being does not experience “actual intimacy” towards my own body, or anybody.

It seems you may be making Alan’s mistake of misunderstanding then misusing terms.*

Any feelings means no actual intimacy. Full stop. From my understanding of reading, not experience (that I recall anyway).

*For as long as I conversed with Alan he claimed to be virtually free. Yet, he was never any sort of virtually free. During the “milleu experiment” he claimed to be “out from control” virtually free. He was not.

The quickest way to spend decades not having the genuine article is to not read carefully. Which is one of the primary reasons I have floundered for a decade.

‘One of my peak experiences happened on the fore-shore. All of a sudden, unpremeditated, ‘I’ and ‘my’ world-view had disappeared and an immediate intimacy became apparent. Although I had lived in this village before and had grown very fond of it and its residents, there had always been a distance between me and other people, which had to be bridged by temporary feelings of love and affection which were never satisfying for long. Now a shift in seeing had occurred, and looking at the people around me, I noticed that the distance between me and others had miraculously vanished. Not only between me and other people but equally between me and the trees, me and the houses on the boulevard, even between me and the ocean. Nowhere was there a boundary. Another dimension had taken its place, which I initially experienced as a closeness closer than my own heartbeat, yet it was certainly not love for all or oneness with everything. It was another paradigm than the one in which the opposites play their major role … and to depict it I needed another vocabulary than words like distant and close, separation and oneness.

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see later post.

Your use of English is clouding understanding here.

Who is experiencing actual intimacy with your body?

If it is genuine actual intimacy, there is no seperation. The trees, the chair, people, everything is experienced intimately.

I am going on my understanding of how to read English here.

If someone can correct me, please do!

What I mean is:

The way you are describing it sounds like this;

There is a you, and there is a body.

The you is experiencing the body.

My understanding of how actual intimacy is described is there is no you.

There is only the body experiencing (with it’s innate intelligence) intimacy.

Then, it is actual intimacy.

Everything else is a feeling.

I am saying for me the actual intimacy of my own body is not the same as actual intimacy with other bodies. Richard does seem to be saying that it is for him. Obviously I am not Richard which is why I was talking about my own experience.