James' Journal

James: Been experiencing increased enjoyment, appreciation and perfection. Still no pure intent yet. Not sure how to “give permission ‘with my whole being’ to allow pure intent to draw me forth.”

Hi @James,

It’s great to hear that “enjoyment, appreciation and perfection” are increasing.

Can you rememorate your last PCE? That’s where you find pure intent. The memory of a pure consciousness experience is your guiding light – it shows you what is possible when the ‘self’ disappears. Only when you can tune into pure intent will you be able to give permission to draw you forth.

In the meantime, you continue to experience and increase “enjoyment, appreciation and perfection” as much as possible.

James: What exactly does “with my whole being” mean?

It means that there is not a single objection “to step out of the real world into this actual world and leave ‘yourself’ behind where ‘you’ belong”.

Again, I ask you – what do you have to lose? You know with certainty that you will physically die. Why not give permission to “leave ‘yourself’ behind” before you physically die. Richard used to ask himself, what am I saving ‘myself’ for? There is nothing you can take with you when you die. You have literally nothing to lose but your affective identity and what you can gain is immense. As Richard put it –

[Richard]: “This is ‘my’ moment of glory; this is ‘my’ crowning achievement; this makes ‘my’ petty life all worthwhile; this is ‘my’ most noble sacrifice for ‘I’ am what ‘I’ hold most dear; this is ‘my’ legacy for all humankind; ‘my’ reward is to go blessedly into the oblivion ‘I’ have secretly craved all along.
‘My’ extinction made all this possible.
Regards, Richard.
P.S.: The key-word is: inevitability.” (link)

Cheers Vineeto