Enjoying with senses vs feelings

written by an actualist:

3:08 AM

One can observe oneself in a mirror briefly, or in more detail. Try the later for 5mins and ask yourself ; Are you what is reflected? Or is there a feeling about what you see? Do you feel anything about what you say you are?The feeling is ‘being’. Its not hidden, but is usually in a state of conflict with what is seen, heard, touched, smelled and is always moving away from being here and now. Usually striving, sometimes dispondent, but always wanting to be anything but a flesh and blood body. You can feel yourself squirm at that feature you don’t like in the mirror, as if one can escape, but with the ghastly realisation one can’t escape. So one distracts oneself, says a half hearted “oh well”, and pretends to be ok. This is being a self in a body, that fundamentally will not give you the ultimate survival that is ones basic nature.

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replied to a thread:
, thanks for bringing this topic up, it has been veey useful for me to do this exercise again. I have a feeling of being insubstantial again! I mean that I can’t take myself seriously atm, there is only ever a feeling, nothing substantial.


Hey @FrankN as a suggestion only, I recommend reading posts of people who became actually free only and leaving the others. And even then, you don’t know that what you are reading from that feeling being is in any way what contributed to them becoming free :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

Just a thought !


Wonderful suggestion Felix.

I thought it might be helpful to know what practicing actualists, were feeling and their way of
struggling to find their way out of the “stuckness” :slight_smile:

Thanks Felix

I had posted here, instead of in my journal, this post I will move to my journal. :slight_smile:

Just curious: who are the “people who became actually free”? ? Not that I intend to read only post of free people, but it would be nice to know.

“Gevil”… I like it. The human condition in a nutshell :wink:


In this forum, @geoffrey and @Srinath.

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