Claudiu's Journal

So I have been considering this since yesterday and I still find myself disagreeing with this one. I have been trying to pinpoint exactly what it is, so here it goes.

So the difference seems that what I am suggesting is to take all that commitment which I usually invest in the various roles and identities and instead turn it towards the commitment towards actual freedom as a priority. Which means enjoyment and appreciation comes first, everything else falls on a ‘it doesn’t ultimately matter’ basis.

Your suggestion is to incubate each aspect of one’s identity with pure intent and then take this all the way through to an actual freedom.

The problem as I see it is that the second approach will inevitably hit a wall, because I am trying to make the purity and perfection fit a mould which exists only in ‘reality’. In a sense I am working back to front, I am asking actuality to fit ‘my’ various roles and identities, and inevitably the whole endeavour is crippled.

This is because those various roles and identities have goals and agendas which are ultimately at odds with actuality. What happens is those things which are ‘human’ end up blocking the experience of that which is outside of ‘humanity’.

When one’s connection to pure intent is active it is not that those roles and identities have been fixed from the inside by the perfection and purity, it is rather that pure intent makes those roles and identities redundant, when advised by the perfection and purity ‘I’ am able to operate outside of that mould.

It seems that in trying to go ‘through’ those identities one makes the same category of error that we saw in the ‘rift’ thread, where one tries to smuggle some ‘humanity’ into actuality. Whenever I experience a PCE I am always blown away by how magical it is, as in the actual world has not a trace of anything that is ‘human’ left, hence why it is experienced to be a fairytale like world. What I have observed in myself is that any trace of that which is ‘human’ is what stands in the way of experiencing the magical world that is the actual world.
By the same token any investment into those roles and identities which exist only in ‘reality’ will be inevitably at odds with the commitment towards ending ‘humanity’ as a whole, because those roles and identities will be annihilated by such a step. It reminds me of Devika asking Richard to allow love into actual freedom, she wanted to save 1 aspect of ‘humanity’ and in doing so she saved the whole sorry lot.

So what I am interested in is whether this attempt to incubate pure intent into the different identities and then go through them all the way into actual freedom is really just a clever way for ‘me’ to keep them alive, to save them, and in doing so the entire package is ultimately retained.