I think the other thing that might be key here is what @Srinath mentioned here - Virtual Freedom vs. Rapid Method specifically the below bit regarding the ‘noise factor’ :
Reflecting on all of this my advice would still be the same. To focus on being happy and harmless each moment again, gradually separate purity from ‘you’, have EE’s and PCE’s galore, get a feeling of being as a totality and don’t overdo the investigation and attempt to eliminate social identity as it is quite tricky to do when one has feelings because of the noise factor.
I think the reason why investigations rarely tend to go down in a smooth A-B-C way is because of ‘me’. Whilst still a feeling being beliefs form the structure of ‘me’, they are how ‘I’ generate ‘my’ coherence. To remove a belief is to remove a part of ‘me’. This means that ‘I’ have to be ready for that belief to disappear, for that part of ‘me’ to disappear. ‘I’ need to see that it is safe and beneficial for this part to disappear, that there is something better (the third alternative), until this is seen ‘I’ will get up to all sorts of tricks to retain ‘my’ integrity as an identity. Which means even if all the beliefs are meticulously separated into this and that, they will still persist. Only when ‘I’ am ready for it to be exposed it will happen, hence why it is possible to present someone with all the facts regarding a situation and they will still perversely persist in their belief, we all know this feature.
So for as long as I am applying the method I am contending with the fact that there is an entire affective backing to each belief, and especially these vast belief systems form ‘my’ very world, ‘my’ life. So a lot of ticks have to be ticked before something as simple as a belief being seen through happens. Which is where feeling good and connection to purity (applying the method) comes in, by incrementally providing something better ‘I’ can safely begin to let go of these structures, but only when ‘I’ am ready.