
Just two hours ago I wrote @claudiu privately that now it is Sunday 21 night in Argentina and
I will not be able to close the current AWS account and to configure the service in the new one until at least Wednesday 23rd; and that the same happens to me with respect to the DO droplet transfer.

So, @son_of_bob, from my part I think it would be great if you could do it sooner yourself.

Yes go for it

Thanks for the heads up @Miguel. I will let you and @claudiu know if I hit any blockers.

I will start on it today. I have read through the documentation.

Do you want me to take a live snapshot so as to not shut down the droplet? They mention there can be data inconsistencies via this method, but as we are only testing, should be fine right?

The documentation is outdated, the instruction to Change Owner now seems to be Transfer Snapshot instead.


Additionally, the option is to transfer to a user or a team. If I look at the team option it is blank for me.


I assume I don’t have Member or Owner role in the new default My Team in the new DO account. Do you want to add this permission or shall I transfer via User via the Email address option?

(quote below from documentation)

If you’re transferring a snapshot to a team you’re a member of, you can accept the transfer yourself if you have the Member or Owner role. If you have the Billing role, you may need to contact a Member or Owner.

You are a Member in the new team actually! And the old too I believe. Maybe you need to do it via email anyway?

Interestingly, I had to do a hard refresh, Ctrl & F5 and the new team option became available (using Chrome).

I see you have just renamed it as well right?


The droplet snapshot has transferred.

The whole accept or decline options mentioned in the documentation didn’t happen. It has just appeared in the new team without any additional need to accept or confirm.

With the Create a droplet from snapshot steps I need to define the other plan details.


So we have the following to consider:

  • Plan

  • CPU items

  • Additional block storage : I am assuming this is related to the additional volume you have on the original?

  • Datacenter region

  • VPC Network

  • Authentication

There are some additional options such as enabling monitoring, IPv6, etc.

As well as a need to create a root password.

I would say to just set it up the same as the old one, which seems to be working fine.

For root pwd you can pick one, we need to set up SSH key access anyway, and doubt we’ll need the root pwd much. but store it somehow and you can communicate it to us securely later

Ok, just having to familiarise myself where all the different settings are stored.

We have 20GB additional volume then which seems to be Ext4 filesystem type.


It also seems like backups are also enabled at an additional cost of $2.4/mo.

So, the cost of the new droplet settings I picked with this additional volume and backups enabled would bring the cost to:

$12/mo + $2/mo + $2.40/mo = $16.40/mo

Are we happy with this?


In the original, I can see IPv6 is not enabled, but Monitoring is, at least with the graphs. I wasn’t sure how to confirm if User data setting is on.

Yes, default option was root password so switched to SSH key instead and there is no password needed just have to generate keys.

Should I just accept the hostname as the default applied from the snapshot name and settings? If you have a preferred alternative or other format you would like me to use let me know.


Do you have an SSH key for me to use or you happy for me to generate my own? I have Windows subsystem for Linux, with Ubuntu 20.04 setup, so I can use the command line for that to generate the key?

That should work ya. You definitely must generate your own, it’s like a password. The private key you keep yourself, the public one you can share etc.

Here’s my public one, plz add me to the droplet so I can login too :slight_smile:

ssh-rsa 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 csaftoiu@Claudius-MacBook-Pro.local

Sounds good yeup.

What about discuss-webserv?

Sure, in my field we use for signing assemblies but use .snk format files. This is just a slightly different use case and scenario to what I am used to.

I will add yours as well, thanks.

Ok, I will set it to this.

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My kids were a handful last night and I crashed asleep earlier than I was hoping but finished the creation of the new droplet this morning.

I notice that the new droplet has the same IP configuration as the old one.

Hmm can you explain more? It can’t have the same external IP address I don’t think …

My bad, weird tab reload issue. I had both tabs open, one on your team and one on the other. It seems when I have re-opened Chrome this morning the first tab flipped to the AIAFF Team rather than stay on your team, so I was stupidly comparing IP addresses for the same droplet in two tabs lol.

Ignore me, they are different.

Interesting that it didn’t keep that first tab set on the other team, I had to click switch teams again. Is good that you have changed the name of the teams and the colour of the images for teams are different. I will make sure to be careful of re-checking that in future.

So, this means that you just need to sort out DNS settings right?

Yea but need to test that the new server works. What’s the IP? Does it work if you visit it?

Possible complication is it might not work without the domain updated … I’d like some way to test before switching though

The IP address is however, it seems to redirect you to, i.e. the live version of the site and not the point of data as captured in the droplet.

Ok, let me know if you need me to do anything else.

Actually, just realised you have a reserved IP address. Should I enable this for the new droplet too then?

Could you look into a way to test if it works? I don’t have any ideas currently. Maybe you can reconfigure the domain on it to a temporary one (using ) and then see it works … or maybe there’s a way for it to work just with the IP.

I added the reserved IP address and that also redirects to the main site.

On your DO account, I don’t see a Domain configured under DO’s
Manage → Networking → Domains

Do you have some other type of configuration?