
Just git gud Andrew ! :rofl:

(for the folks born before 1960 Git Gud | Know Your Meme)


Hahaha, indeed. Git gud.

Better than gud, if one can manage. :joy:

Jokes aside that’s a harsh stance they took. Especially Vineeto. In some places them’s fightin’ words.

Next time you’re looking down at your stream and feeling bad that you don’t own the pot you are pissing in just remember that no one really “owns” anything. If you aren’t renting, you are paying a mortgage. If you aren’t paying a mortgage, you are paying the tax man. If you aren’t paying the tax man they’ll take that pot you insisted was yours!

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I am working with this hypothesis…

Nostalgia is close to Naivete.

The difference is the time…


I think we wouldn’t have actualism available if there wasn’t that natural edge to Richard.

He had that curious mix of a childhood where there was some natural naivete (which religious shame hadn’t pre-emptively squashed), and the trauma of war, being cheated on so thoroughly by his wife, and being thrust so dramatically into enlightenment.

That’s going to make many things a sensible, intelligent thing to say, which otherwise polite company would deem “fighting words”.

There is a war going on. Politely, or otherwise, claiming casualties by the billions.

She wasn’t wrong. I am a mummy’s boy. Raised by my otherwise soft and compassionate mother. Raised to be another self effacing, pathetic instalment of the overkill which is Christianity.

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Very true. We wouldn’t be here otherwise. Arguably the ballsiest, most subversive man in history.

Richard (2015): … my tendency is to be so bold as to render being ‘as bold as brass’ to be but the faintest of hues on the boldness scale. (Being arguably the most subversive man on the planet – for those who read with both eyes open – would surely make any feeling-being quail).
Mailing List 'D' Jonathan

Nevermind. In light of your assessment of yourself, Vineeto’s words were a gas-up. Pathetic installment? Please don’t be so harsh on yourself. It isn’t a fair valuation. Consider how even if it is true that you are a “pathetic installment”, it is at best only partially true, as you are ignoring the fact that you are also an incredible person – it automatically goes with the territory of being alive and existing – who not only deserves the absolute best this universe has to offer, but in a way is the very best this universe has to offer as the universe made you exactly as you are, and the universe never, ever makes a mistake.

For example, as I write this I’m feeling a bit like this guy


But even still,

Richard (1997): This universe is so enormous in its scope, so grand in its order, so exquisite in its form, that it is sheer vanity and utter insolence to presume that what occurs intrinsically to the scheme of things is somehow ‘Wrong’.
Richard's Selected Writing on The Universe

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Haha, Nice one.

I don’t take it personally my assessment of ‘who’ i was, or ‘who’ i became before i realised i had any choices.

Neither am i particularly interested in the grand scheme of things anymore. Which is a huge turnaround from who i was.

I ended up at a kids birthday party today. My ex girlfriend’s, best friend’s, daughter. (excuse me as i push the limits possessive pronouns) :wink:

I was thinking about the possibile overlap between nostalgia and naivete. Seeing the kids play, the lovely park and happy people, this is where a nostalgic memory could easily form for someone.

In the moment, the birthday girl was just being her 4 years old self. Playful, naive, engaged.

I looked at this. I was also being playful and engaged. (i only knew a handful of people there).

As @claudiu said, that’s where it’s at. What is notable is that it takes less effort to be in that mode of behaviour, than if i had been in a mood not to have gone to the party.

(i had decided i wanted to go to the beach, so messaged my ex to see if she was free, ended up at the party).

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One can activate delight, if only there is prior movement in that direction.

A mood changes the choices.


Rick: “Please don’t be so harsh on yourself. It isn’t a fair valuation. Consider how even if it is true that you are a “pathetic installment”, it is at best only partially true, as you are ignoring the fact that you are also an incredible person – it automatically goes with the territory of being alive and existing – who not only deserves the absolute best this universe has to offer, but in a way is the very best this universe has to offer as the universe made you exactly as you are, and the universe never, ever makes a mistake.”

This is a great piece of writing @rick

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Just to clarify, it’s not that naïveté is equivalent to enjoying. They are different things. But when being naive it is incredibly easy to enjoy being alive. And also enjoying being alive makes it easier to be naive. They’re two different things but they reinforce each other.

Naïveté has a very distinctive flavor to it that it took me a while to find. I experience it like as being when me at my center is likable and liking , easy going , not harsh on myself or others. I don’t overthink things. I’m not constantly searching for hidden meaning in what people say or planning ahead what I say to present myself in this or that way to people. It’s a simple way of being.


New hypothesis for me;

Enjoyment is in the Naivete namespace.

So in C# nomenclature ;

using System.Naivete;

…(omitting besides the point stuff)

thisMoment = new Naivete.Enjoyment();

I can’t call the naivete method from the System.Sadness namespace.

I have to be using the correct namespace.

In other ponderings,

If all feelings are “moving”, towards an object as in a vortex, the naivete too must have an object.

That ‘object’ , (because we only have psychic objects to deal with in ‘here’ and ‘now’) is the memory of being here now, (in whatever form we can recall).

Bear with me here… I am reading my c# books and contemplating the actualism “method” at the same time. :joy::books:

Object Oriented Actualism. ™

(edit: removed “Var” from Naivete.Enjoyment instance creation. Rooky mistake :joy:)

:smiley: indeed it’s not defined in that namespace. The compiler error tells you “no such method exists”. If you take it too literally you might think there’s no such thing as naivete at all… but it’s just in another namespace :smiley: .

In the meantime the universe is constantly polling “andrew.goIntoAbeyance()” method. If this returns ‘true’ you will have a PCE. But the code is roughly like:

/** go into abeyance for the benefit of the flesh&blood body?
* return true to allow, false to block
bool goIntoAbeyance() {
    if (!this.wantPCE()) { return false; }
    if (this.amSad()) { return false; }
    if (this.amMad()) { return false; }
    if (!this.amNaive()) { return false; }
    return true;  // PCE! 

Haha, now i can learn to code and become free.

I see a book deal on the horizon.

Actual Freedom for Dummies. :joy::handshake:


I really like this.

The universe (my native intelligence) is running all the time i just need to call the right method.

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Simple. :sun_with_face:

Successful weekend had.

@claudiu: ok I can relate to this, including the likable and liking part. I can see now that I definitely do experience naivete. I just never before knew exactly what it was.


@jamesjjoo My money is on you being the next person to become actually free.

I think you have always known what naivete is, and just needs the confidence to go all the way into it.

While i am busy building programming metaphors, you can skip straight to the prize.

May the child-like innocence in all of us win the day.

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I am feeling solid.

Thanks to whatever has happened to me, the fears i had about being 46 (nearly) haven’t happened. Well, more precisely, i don’t care that they happened.

I am enjoying my own company for the first time. Happy enough that if that one who i really get along with never appears, that’s ok.

It’s not a say it, and maybe believe it. It really is ok.

I was talking (texting) two women on Tinder. Both attractive (as far as the photos showed). Both acted in very damaged ways. I could feel who they were, and wasn’t interested.

That’s a very different me. I always took responsibility to “be a man” and try and prove myself. Yet, i have learnt, the hard way, that hoping for better than your first impression of someones MO is a fools errand.

People don’t change, 99.99% of the time. If a simple text chat is revealing major character flaws, there is no beauty in the world that will make up for that.