Alien sighting confirmed?

I couldn’t help noticing how much of the article was trying to establish validity via credentials in the absence of evidence

I definitely don’t know what’s going on!

There is a distinct “superiority” in that we find, uncovered, recovered, etc…

Yet, to even be on this planet, an alien race would be exponentially more advanced and capable than us.

Like, we don’t have a metaphor for how more advanced.

The distances just in the local galaxy are mind blowing.

There is no chance that a species so advanced to travel those distances could ever “fuck up” enough to be found or discovered or whatever by any human or organisation.

We are talking tech we can only imagine, and even then I doubt we have imagined it.

Having said all of that, if such a species does exist, and has managed to “fuck up” as frequently as the UFO believers would imply, I am somewhat glad it’s kept secret. Certainly nothing worth learning of a species that can travel the galaxy but not look after their own.

We are doing just fine in the "not looking after our own " department. :sweat_smile:

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My take when I heard about the hard data cases, which is just my term btw, was that they are AI and that fuck-ups are inevitable in life. For a while, I was pretty excited. At first, I only had cable TV shows I used to peruse. And there were maybe about a half a dozen cases of radar and multiple eyewitness cases that made my ears perk. Very very interesting. But that was all for 20 years. Then suddenly, a major American news TV series picks up on some new leaks or reports. Then there’s a congressional hearing and it’s like: ‘wow, we might actually hear something really cool.’ So I go into the UFO subreddit and subscribe. And it’s wall to wall spazzes. Everything is a UFO. Every so-called leak and innuendo is 100% true. Then I stopped paying attention. And haven’t heard anything until recently when NASA just said they’re following these orb reports closely. So that’s exciting. I like aliens.

i loll’ed

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The idea that in the history of humanity aliens have not only been visiting but had a formative part in our evolution begs only one conclusion; they really are cunts and we are better off knowing as little as possible.

That’s the lynch pin for me; what if everything is true, then the pattern of their behaviour is worse than our own. One can only wonder how it’s possible for such technology to be in the hands (tentacles?) of such utter malice.

It’s not really an argument against aliens, but rather if it’s all true, then they are more lost than us.

  • ALIEN 1: Dude what’s that planet there? It’s illuminated by city lights!

  • ALIEN 2: Indeed. They’ve come a long way.

  • ALIEN 1: You’ve been here before?

  • ALIEN 2: Yes. It was full of life but no one was awake. I was on the surface one day, enjoying the sights and the smells and the sounds laying down in the shade, when these monkeys up in the tree started throwing their feces at me.

  • ALIEN 1: Fine candidates!

  • ALIEN 2: Indeed. So I grabbed a few and switched some genes, before putting them back in the tree. And now it looks like…

  • ALIEN 1: Great success!

  • ALIEN 2: I didn’t do much. Someone would have awoken here sooner or later. It’s just that there wasn’t that much time. Look at that sun. Perhaps half a billion years…

  • ALIEN 1: Dude! What is that over there?

  • ALIEN 2: It’s a… monkey spacecraft?

  • ALIEN 1: It’s coming this way!…

  • ANGRY MONKEY: Art Thou the Creators?

  • ALIEN 1: Dude what?

  • ANGRY MONKEY: You’ve done a shit job, Creators! Our life is miserable, we were created wrong!

  • ALIEN 1: Dude what are you even about? My colleague here only…

  • ALIEN 2: Wait… What is it you are unhappy about, esteemed feces-thrower?

  • ANGRY MONKEY: All is shit! There are wars and murders and rapes and…

  • ALIEN 2: Oh you mean monkey stuff? You were already doing those things in the tree.


  • ALIEN 2: But you are awake now. You can just leave your monkey nature behind. Why complain to us?

  • ALIEN 1: Yeah seriously dude.

  • ALIEN 2: And one day, when you’ve freed yourself from your monkey ways perhaps you’ll roam the galaxy and see life prosper like we do, perhaps you’ll give it a nudge here and there and seed life where it fits, perhaps you’ll even uplift some dolphins, some marvelous creatures. And they’ll build dolphin cities in the seas of faraway moons. And you will smile. For you are life and life seeds life. For the universe experiences itself in the infinite diversity of life. Ain’t that marvelous?

  • ANGRY MONKEY: God I hate you. Imma blow this place up.


Some casual gene sequencing on a picnic. As you do!

It’s funny @geoffrey you wrote that.

I was reflecting on my opinion that “life is eternal” , that is; it has been around forever. As in “Panspermia” theory.

What struck me is "forever " is a long time for DNA and whatever else to have the generational integrity to be viable.

Perhaps that is the evolutionary purpose of intelligence; Alien One is a curator of genetics.

Humans are already doing it, indeed at the rate we are underway, by the time the planet blows up/is scattered throughout the galaxy, there will be some pristine human genetics around, if nothing else.

I actually wrote a song “Why wake me up?” last month, when I was reflecting on what consciousness was for?

For $1000, one can buy a gene sequencing tool, and open source software to decode it.

Maybe actual freedom could be a pill afterall. Just a tweak here and there.

Then some backyard CRISPR, and done!

I imagine some aliens getting lucky in that they never had feeling beings to begin with…directly born apperceptive :laughing:

Real or not all of these sudden leaks have an agenda. Why trust the people who’ve been concealing this stuff from you? It’s a great distraction from more terrestrial concerns.

Exactly. They all (distractions) have an element of indeterminate fear in them. Seas will rise! Aliens are watching you!

Never mind the needless wars and ruthless exploitation.

They also have a “look to the sky!” Element. Fear from above.

The air is watching you and out to get you.

I got the idea to go to university yesterday and study genetics.

I actually haven’t felt that inspired maybe ever.

Isn’t genetics really what this is all about?

It feels really amazing to think that I could learn about the very source code of what we are.

I have been on many a misguided adventure. Cost me my youth, wealth and time.

I am feeling zero apprehension about this.

Maybe I will be Alien One.:rofl: