Alan Izatt Legacy

As far as I know, Google is clear about that you can’t pay to rank higher. An alternative are ads, but do not seem to correspond well with the Actual Freedom “product”.

As it is very difficult for a forum to rank high due to the relative heterogeneity of its content and structure compared to the SEO of blogs (even video channels, podcasts, etc.,) I think what is left is to grow the blog part ( by writing more articles that will tend to have a higher coherence in their contents; more homogeneity/repetition of words with respect to the total number of words written; internal links between them; organic inclusion of external links to the AFT site and other actualist sites, videos, podcasts, etc.; organic inclusion of external links to NON-actualist but popular sites; eventually backlinks (incoming links) from those actualists and non-actualist sites/videos/podcasts to articles of the blog, etc.

This is a good use of Alan’s money.

I’d love to chat sometime to see what issues you’re running into or what might be preventing you from doing it. If it’s technical ability then I can likely help. And if you get a good recording of a ‘podcast’ with a ‘special guest’ it’s likely I could edit that together pretty quick and we could collaborate on how you may like to present it.

I want to stress that making content in 2022 requires little to no money. Especially if it’s more informative than creative. But it’s an extremely tedious process that gets way less tedious once a skillset is developed.


Guys, about the plane tickets. Even on the cheap it’s quite a sum.
If you don’t stop talking like it’s a good idea, I’m gonna start really considering it lol.

It’s not technical ability which is the issue (easy to say, as I have none hahaha), it’s rather that I’m not quite sure about precisely what I want to do. I haven’t been satisfied with my various attempts so far.
I’ll be sure to require your help though. Thx!

Why did I buy this gear… :joy:
Why does it look like I need more… :joy:
But… surely, one cannot capture the glory of kangaroos randomly jumping in the vast red landscape with a portrait lens? :joy:

Look, I’ll say this. You bought the gear in the hopes that you’d enjoy it enough to use it. It’s a hobby and you’d like to learn how to use all those neat little adult toys :slight_smile: It’s fun to have nice stuff.

But what I want to say to anyone out there is that you likely own an iphone or android. That one device can allow you to create phenomenal content. If creating content is your passion, gear should never be an impediment - to a degree. There are techniques you can learn to get the most from a little. So don’t wait until you have good gear to start.

Also, good gear can be an impediment. It’s heavy, clumsy, not spontaneous, and has a learning curve. It’s great when you have a vision and know what it is you want to do but it sometimes can weigh down a novice IMO. It pays to be fluid in the equipment and that takes repetition.

I’d really love to talk sometime and hear where you think things have been falling short or perhaps what sort of vague vision you have.

Well if you’re suggesting you’d like to fly down to AUS to do a podcast with a special guest, I’m sure we could at least do a go-fund-me. :sweat_smile:

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@edzd Cool. Yes, let’s have a chat one of these days.

I can’t agree more about the gear lol.

The main reason I want to go to Australia… is not that hard to guess. :grin:

Although I must say I’m currently smiling at the absurd amount of fun I’d have with the travel vlog hahaha. (… I would need a wide angle though… with stab… :joy:)

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Australia is the pilot episode of an actualist themed travel vlog.


:hibiscus: The Actualism Traveling Podcast, soon coming near you! :hibiscus:


It would honestly be fantastic to have more R+V video/audio, if they would go for it



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Maybe we can open a new thread in here to talk about various ideas that might be helpful !

Portugal is a lot closer to France! It’s very pretty here. But there is not any fully free people on these lands … … … yet ;D


I was wondering if it would make sense to use part of this money to compensate AFT to make the
AFT Video’s that are only in DVD format into other format ( e.g. downloadable ) or even public ?

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The videos belong to Richard & Vineeto, so you’d have to have permission from them to do anything with the videos. You can email Vineeto to ask and I can give you that email address if you’d like.

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It might be more sensible if other people on this forum think that is a good idea, and then, we can
approach Vineeto with this idea as a group .

Thanks henry :appreciation:

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Lovely to see Alan’s wishes being discussed.

There is obviously the expenses that Richard and Vinetto have running the AFT to consider.

We could also ask them if re- publishing there media ( on demand individual book publishing is a thing now) is a possibility.

We have also discussed having a wiki with extensive topic linking. A “choose your own adventure” matrix of actualism juiciness.


I really think having the discussions of @geoffrey and @Srinath organised on different topics would be great. Something like the AFT. Obviously with their permission.

@geoffrey the obsession with things being perfect with all the latest gear reminds me of Richard. When @claudiu and I were organising a snippet of one of their videos, the quality was always a hot topic. Basically, full HD or nothing!!!

You must be closer to fully free heh? Obsession with trying to transmit the actual world via technology.:rofl:

Is it a possibility to utilize some of these funds for @hunterad’s chatbot? It seems like it doesn’t cost a huge amount for the low amount of volume, but that would relieve Hunter of the concern and perhaps allow it to be more powerful.

It seems to me at minimum a superior way to find quotes/sources on the AFT than google. That makes it worth its keep.


FYI its around 2 dollars a day currently to run at present usage levels.

Still want to explore ways to reduce costs without losing the performance though.

@hunterad I think it’s a fine use of the AIAFF to fund the development of this, at least for the time being. I’m happy to commit $100 for now and we see how long it goes

In general makes sense to see how to lower the cost still!

What’s the current fee per prompt?

Right now only me and @Dona are directors and we have a general agreement that for small sums we don’t need to hold a vote, so consider it committed :slight_smile:

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Ok cool! It is charged per token, which is either an individual word or a part of a word. gpt-4o costs 5$ per 1m tokens of input, and 15$ per 1m tokens of output.

A typical prompt + response seems to end up costing around 15 cents, mostly from reading lots of sources which adds to the input tokens.

The way I would attempt to lower cost would be to get it working at the same level with gpt-3.5 turbo, which has such a small charge per token that I could easily fund the project running on my own. It may be possible and it may not be :slight_smile: