Humm this is more akin to Milito’s “rushed skim-reading” (Milito’s Journal - #91 by milito.paz) than your usual thoughtful caring and consideration and detailed analysis of a topic at hand!
For me it’s very clearly different, and provides important context.
- “Vineeto can cry when a cop writes her a ticket”: Implies causation. Cop writes ticket → Vineeto cries in response. A very typical feeling-being reaction. Why would an actually free person cry in response to getting a ticket? How weird! Well if a fully actually free person can cry as a reaction to a negative event, that must mean any oddities any claimant makes must be ok to overlook
- “Vineeto cries to get out of trouble with police”: Implies intent. Vineeto encounters police. Vineeto wants to get out of trouble with them. So, she cries. The motivation and intent for the crying is from Vineeto’s side. Why might she do it? It’s certainly manipulative. But, maybe she had good reasons. Very strange anyways! How odd the actually free people are, I guess they can really get up to anything and it’s ok, doesn’t mean they aren’t free. Us feeling-beings cannot judge, we are too clouded by our feelings to be able to discern, we should just believe what someone who claims to be free says .
Both are missing the vital context of what prompted Vineeto’s “crying”, and also how it happened, and what the conclusion and reason for telling the story in the first place is.
What actually happened:
- Cop wants to pull Vineeto over
- Vineeto deems it unsafe to pull over immediately, so she slows down, drives a bit further, and then pulls over
- The cop becomes passionately upset about this
- Vineeto explains why she did it, but it doesn’t help, the cop continues being passionately upset about it
- Vineeto realizes further explanation won’t work
- Concomitant with realizing the officer wants her to feel remorse, she allows a “true facsimile of a feeling” to manifest, starting as “an uprising of a sob from the gut area” where she “allowed it to continue”.
- The cop is satisfied at this apparent display of remorse, and, having gotten what he wanted, calms down and writes her the ticket.
- Conclusion of the story: a common fear that feeling-beings have is that they need feelings to navigate the feeling-being world, and thus they will be “handicapped when dealing with feeling beings”. Vineeto’s story shows that even this fear is unfounded, a fully actually free person with no trace of affect or feelings, can still produce, when needed, a convincing facsimile of an feeling, to easily and smoothly navigate the world-as-it-is with people-as-they-are.
A few vital differences between what actually happened and the mischaracterizations of what happened:
- Vineeto did not initiate the sob from her side or her own impetus. She understood that this is what the cop wanted, and it was a response to what the cop wanted.
- The impetus for the sobbing was neither a reaction to getting a ticket, nor a desire to get out of trouble. It was to give the cop what they wanted so that the interaction could proceed to a reasonable conclusion.
- She didn’t get out of trouble with the cop, he still wrote her a ticket.
- There’s nothing about her story that can be construed as it being a weird thing that a fully free person can cry. It’s not an intuitive/emotional reaction. It wasn’t an intentful manipulation. It was a response to the circumstances at hand, sensibly and insightfully arrived-at (the together-with-the-realizing-it-happened as is typical of insights), and the amazing thing was that the facsimile of the emotion could be conveyed easily, smoothly, effortlessly, not as in a psycopath emulating an emotion but rather as a sensible response to the situation.
To use it as an example to discount out-of-hand, without digging into it, apparent weirdness of a claimant-to-being-free, and use it as a motivating factor to not dig in or do any due diligence to their claims, is neither sensible nor insightful nor productive for any involved!
Hope it clarifies things!