The "Rift"

What I’m about to share was something I was thinking but was not going to share but after seeing Kuba’s exposing of “himself” and Claudiu’s excellent expose I figured this might be a good chance to expose “my” craftiness as well. :-).
The notion is not as fresh now as it was initially but essentially I was thinking that aiming for Richard’s place instead of basic/ newly free actual freedom doesn’t really make sense as you have to self-imolate via becoming newly free before you can become fully actually free. So, therefore it seems like aiming for full actual freedom instead of basic actual freedom is putting the cart before the horse. In fact it seems like it’s putting the cart so far before the horse it’s a wonder one can even see the cart. Or would it be the horse that we’re losing sight of here ? LOL. I think you get my point though. :slight_smile:

This other point which perhaps should be a separate post altogether but hey if I don’t write it now it might be 6 months until I do so let’s just keep going. It’s interesting that every authentic actually free person to our knowledge has not moved to full actual freedom besides Richard and Vineeto. I wonder if this is somehow a choice or whether the journey to full actual freedom is not as obvious and or easy as one might have initially thought and perhaps the other actually free people don’t know how to even get there. This also makes me wonder if perhaps a basic actual freedom is more appropriate/ beneficial for certain people in regards to their life circumstances and/or stage of life. Those of us who have been around for a number of years before the distinction between a full actual freedom and basic actual freedom was made all had what we now call full actual freedom as the goal and goal post but now it appears that the basic actual freedom is what most people seem to stay at. Albeit there does seem to be perhaps a deepening of that which perhaps will eventually given more time than any of us would have ever thought lead to a full actual freedom. That’s probably more than enough for Claudiu’s incisive precision instruments to have some material to work on. :slight_smile:

I guess my immediate thought is, it seems all the people that succeeded in becoming newly free were aiming for precisely Richard & Vineeto, to be where they are.

So I would recommend doing what has worked in the past and aiming for the same thing they were! :smile:

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So I was thinking something along the same lines as you, but this doesn’t make so much sense anymore when I consider just what remains in a newly free individual ie remnants of social identity, why would aiming for those be beneficial?

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Social identity consists of beliefs, habitual thoughts, and behavior patterns

The remnant social identity is basically whatever survived investigation while still a feeling-being. Whatever extent to which social identity can be removed while a feeling-being makes becoming free more likely / is in itself an aspect of freedom.

The removal simply continues in kind once free, but without the affective backing.

It becomes much easier to remove social identity once free because it lacks the affective backing, but it still remains as a task to fully live what the universe demonstrates as possible.

It’s also worth remembering that because Richard was the initial template, it was a bit of a surprise when others became free that they ‘weren’t where Richard was.’ It was because Richard’s investigation that led to him becoming enlightened, as well as likely the exhaustive investigation that he undertook while enlightened, served to remove all or nearly all of the social identity. That’s where Vineeto’s investigation of what she came to call the Guardian came in.

The social identity is interesting because it can apparently survive once free of the instinctive being. So it’s in residence in a free being, but it involves living out patterns that were developed for historical emotional reasons, often thousands of generations ago. So you have a free living with concessions as if emotions were extant - the very reasoning behind actions driven by the social identity is emotionally-developed. In this way, the body is still being controlled by the memory of the instinctive being.

Vineeto describes becoming fully free as sparkling and with a “wonder, amazement and appreciation” that was notably muted during her normal (newly free) operation.

So, all in all, yes there is a ‘greater freedom’ than newly-free actual freedom, and I’d also suggest that it is what we remember from the most sparkling PCEs, given that in those times the entire identity (social and instinctive) were on pause / temporarily forgotten.


Richard: “…the ego-self (an emotional/ passional-mental construct) who arises out of the instinctual-self (an inchoate affective ‘being’/amorphous ‘presence’ the instinctual passions automatically form themselves into) somewhere around age two is not the social identity/ cultural conscience … by and large it is not until approximately seven years of age that a child knows the basic difference between what each particular society regards as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’/‘good’ and ‘bad’ and the parents’ attitude reflects this (as is evidenced in a parent taking the child to task with an oft-repeated ‘you should know better by now’).”

So the social identity is layered on and developed out of the ego-self (emotional/passional-mental construct). It seems with a newly-free being, the instinctual/emotional/passional aspect of ego dies, but that does leave the ‘mental construct’ (shadow ego?) which can maintain the social identity as beliefs which are lived by until they either fall away in the normal course of life or are intentionally investigated & removed.

It’s a structure which is integrated into the ego to control and direct its actions to prevent the harms of an unfiltered instinctive being.