Stepping Back (re: global warming)

The point I was making here is simply that this is presented to the public as a worldwide catastrophe. e.g. from the article @Shashank just linked:

Lorius died on Tuesday morning in the French region of Burgundy.

It was his love of adventure which set him on the path to identifying and predicting an impending catastrophe for the planet.
Claude Lorius: Pioneering French climate change scientist dies aged 91

Did not have to look far :grin:

Regardless of whatever the thread may or may not have been, I was just pointing out that the topic of global warming came up when you were visiting Richard & Vineeto in person, they presented the same arguments they do to everyone (i.e. the Earth being modeled as a flat disk – which btw I remember Richard mentioning to me in person too one fine day), and your take-away from that conversation was to forget the flat-disk argument (which incidentally I also forgot until Vineeto brought it up to me again in an email) and bring up the ‘Earth is too big’ and ‘Soros is a socialist’ as if they were the arguments (which they weren’t).

But it’s happening on this very forum in front of your very eyes!

Why, not just 6 hours ago you wrote:

That is, you literally never even contemplated the possibility that somebody could reject the global warming consensus and not be a “bootlicker”[1] or “water carrier” [2]!!

You even used this topic as an example of Richard and Vineeto being cognitively deficient (and whether you think everybody else is also cognitively deficient in other ways doesn’t change this)!

So you know your own reaction to somebody questioning the evidence. If you yourself have this reaction – and such strong ones as to vigorously question the intelligence of the person saying it – then you know that other people also have these reactions. (Which BTW I myself have also viscerally felt at times (that the people making these arguments are unintelligent), and very vicious it was – the only real difference is that I did not air it out in public.)

Therefore you also know the amounts of ridicule, denigration, and ostracization that faces anybody who would question this evidence. And it is not hard to see that somebody who finds themselves in a position to question the evidence, would also realize the ridicule that would be hurled their way.

As such it is not a stretch of the imagination at all to see that such a fear would underlie any speaking out against it – in an intuitive and viscerally felt manner – or in other words, that there are dark psychic currents swirling around and underpinning any discussion on the topic.

It is the emperor having no clothes!!

And it may be very pertinent to ask: who exactly is it that benefits from this atmosphere of fear, anxiety, ostracization, etc? Is it the peasants themselves? Or those in charge?

  1. “someone who praises or is extremely polite to a more powerful or rich person in a way that is not sincere, usually in order to get an advantage for themselves” BOOTLICKER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary ↩︎

  2. “An individual doing simple, ordinary work, usually in opposition to somebody considered more valuable.” water carrier - Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

    Or, in other words, a “rube”, viz.:

    “That doesn’t make me the rube.” Cause of Bias? - #111 by JonnyPitt

    Where rube is: “An uninformed, unsophisticated, or unintelligent person.” rube - Wiktionary, the free dictionary ↩︎