Science Articles, interesting


Interesting experiments. It sounds like they have some fine-tuning to do after which they will need to figure out how to scale things up.

Cool website What do y’all think?

Our instinctual heritage

@son_of_bob, I preferred to put in this topic the following recommendation based on the comment you made in

If you are not familiar with it, I think you will enjoy and benefit from Robert Matthews’ book “Chancing it” which, in addition to examine the p-values vs sigmas problem, analyzes the deeper underlying problems as well such as assuming normality, assuming independence, using regression inappropriately and, in general, frequentist/classical vs bayesian statistics and the erroneous conclusions, due to logical problems, of many of the papers that have used and still use the former.

Thanks @Miguel sounds interesting, I will add it to my wishlist.


It’s so apparent how we make our decisions out of hope. Wrong 16/17 times, but that one time there’s an accurate prediction, hope gets pumped up and everything continues. And of course it’s possible to hope without any evidence at all…

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there still is a place in the record books for first person to become actually free via a poo plant!

you first

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Wow this is fascinating and hilarious too. Was telling my family there is new hope for mum lol.

The university I went to was famous for deriving string theory and noticed that they kept doing the same elaborate tweaking to their equations. I said isn’t it just totally hypothetical and make believe and the hostility I got from other students, lecturers and advisors was surprising. Like i became the anti string theory person.

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The boiling river

This diagram shows at what stage each element was made. Matter is not passive!!!