Malice - Resentment

Actually this is kinda funny and very obvious when I think about it! :

  • The people in front of me are walking particularly slowly when I am rushing to get past them, so inconsiderate.

  • My colleague is talking over the top loud when I am trying to listen to the radio, so inconsiderate.

  • Sonya is being particularly demanding of me when I happen to be stressed and anxious, so inconsiderate.

In all of these cases ‘I’ am the benchmark against which apparently all these people are stepping out of line, and yet ‘I’ am synthetically creating these lines based on my own self-centred dramas.

And alternately:

  • The people behind me are trying to rush past me, so inconsiderate.
  • I’m trying to have a work conversation and my colleague is listening to the radio, so inconsiderate.
  • I want to interact with my partner and they’re shutting me out, so inconsiderate.



These conditional rules go so deep to the core of my being. I didn’t realise how interwoven they are.

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Reminds me of the first 10secs of this trailer :grin:

This is an interesting one, because my “addicted to smoking” is nothing like his or Vineeto’s.

They would roll and take literally two puffs out of it in the entire burn time. I would chain smoke them into oblivion when I was there.

I never thought smoking was a malicious act unless your intentionally blowing smoke right into someone’s face. It is interesting what is perceived as malicious by different people.

I don’t like smoking at all so not even meeting Richard and co will change that for me lol. But I have never been anti smoking, it is your choice and if you enjoy that sensation good for you. I remember being so disappointed when I tried cigarettes for the first time. I was expecting something more sensually pleasurable lol.

Haha I feel that way about drinking red wine. So many people appear to enjoy it so much… it looks like an ampule of delicious incarnadine glistening joy. The rave reviews of it make me believe it will taste as good as it looks. And then… it doesn’t. 99.99% of the time. Once in a while there is one I really like hehe. But price does not seem to guarantee it.

Lol, I enjoy the taste of red wine but it doesn’t agree with my guts. I only recently did an allergy test privately and found I am allergic to several grape types, so that finally makes sense.

My favourite red is Portuguese. :rofl:


All drugs are a skill.

One learns how to enjoy them. Then, one invests in the propaganda that they are naturally enjoyable.

I remember being 21, a week before I was married, getting drunk on red wine. It was the worst experience of my life to that point.

Cannabis is the same for me. And of course now mushrooms.

The hype doesn’t match the experience until one convinces oneself through learning to enjoy it, that the hype is real.

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