For the Andrew of 10 years ago, it would be this;
For Kub? For anyone else?
As we spoke about on video, this aspect of self-kindness wasn’t an issue for you.
I remember years ago, the front page of the AFT had a section that started with “One begins by dismantling the social identity…” (Words to that effect). It was changed in recent years to "The way of becoming actually free is both simple and practical. For a start, one needs to fully acknowledge the biological imperative (the instinctual passions) which are the root cause of all the ills of mankind "
Did it become a landslide of actually free people?
However, like your example of martial arts, there are literally thousands of topics and starting points on the AFT.
What has always been missing is those skilled in seeing exactly where a particular person is coming from, and what the first step to having the "building blocks " for the higher level instructions.
Which is the weakness of typed communication. Often the literal meaning of what a person is saying is far from an accurate account of where that person actually is.
It’s no one’s fault. Everything on the AFT is a free gift, and there really is a treasure trove there.
However, handing a person a library of all the martial arts is likely to produce a scholar of martial arts, not a martial artist.