It’s funny that ‘I’ could believe that the universe is incapable of ending ‘me’, that ‘I’ would be required to do it. This is so back to front lol! The universe ‘grew’ the earth which ‘grew’ this body and yet ‘I’ believe it couldn’t do something as simple as ending ‘me’, and ‘I’ am not even actual.
In fact this is a guarantee that the universe will end ‘me’ along with any other ‘beings’ anyways, it is not even a matter of choice in that regard. ‘I’ could stave off ‘my’ self-immolation until this particular body dies but the universe will manifest at its optimum sooner or later anyways, so truly there is no sense delaying it.
@claudiu I realised I posted this in your journal but at the same time I can no longer find the “delete post” button, was it removed?