I was just thinking about this thread we had a while ago and realised that @Srinath actually gave some pretty interesting advice there with regards to investigation (specifically on not overdoing it) : Virtual Freedom vs. Rapid Method
specifically this bit :
Essentially when I look back at it ‘I’ dismantled social identity just enough to become happy and harmless relatively constantly and to have regular EE’s and PCE’s. It got me to a point where self-immolation presented itself as an option and ‘I’ took it. Upon actual freedom though there has been cleaning up to do of social identity - which logic would tell you should have been easier for Vineeto as she had largely eliminated this prior to AF and her journey to a full freedom relatively quickly bears this out. But it didn’t work that way for Peter or anyone else, so who knows maybe it’s not that simple.
Reflecting on all of this my advice would still be the same. To focus on being happy and harmless each moment again, gradually separate purity from ‘you’, have EE’s and PCE’s galore, get a feeling of being as a totality and don’t overdo the investigation and attempt to eliminate social identity as it is quite tricky to do when one has feelings because of the noise factor. Once you are free, social identity is all that remains so cleanup is straight-forward. By all means investigate if that’s what you are interested in and getting something out of it while keeping eyes on the prize.
I think VF is a tricky goal. Peter and Vineeto did have fairly relaxed lives it seems (some conjecture here) and round the clock access to Richard. This may be a little controversial but just my opinion.