Global warming/climate change

Indeed. Presumably you think I’m implying you are a “rube”[1] or somehow deficient. I’ve observed that’s normally how these discussions go, with tumultuous psychic currents of one person presenting themselves as being ‘superior’ to the other and trying to put down the other, with the other ‘defending’ themselves (or submitting). Needless to say it is all silly!

I was sincere where I attributed it to the “nature of the discussion”:

I’m not attempting to put you down or anything, just genuinely curious how these things start to make sense for people.

So indeed no offense need be taken :grin: .

Right and that’s what I am curious about, because the tooltip on Richard’s article indicates the sources themselves (Wikipedia, NASA). Plus a few references throughout the threads here, e.g.:

So what was it about when I posted the following that caused it to click for you at last?


Note in particular that the first source I posted here is the same as the one Richard used - Wikipedia. The second source was posted earlier in the thread. The 3rd one indeed was a new one. Maybe it was this?

  1. “That doesn’t make me the rube.” Cause of Bias? - #111 by JonnyPitt ↩︎