FEELING GOOD ! The What, How, Where, When, etc. of It?

I think you’re still circling a bit around the main point which is that enjoying and appreciating is essentially the same, or of the same quality, as having fun, in the way that kids have fun. It’s not a special method or technique or tool or something obtuse or abstract or complicated or complex or hard to understand. If every kid in the world can do it … … it can’t be that hard! :smiley: .

The downside of calling it the actualism method is that it gives this idea that it’s some rigid framework to follow. On the other hand the downside of saying “just have fun” is that then people don’t know what to do. So we go with calling it a ‘method’ for now… … .

But really the ‘method’ is just: have fun! as much as possible!

With that in mind…

Well what do you do when you’re having fun? You might find that you aren’t even thinking about ‘where’ your attention is… you are just enjoying the experience of having fun. That’s more the idea.

So when you’re just having fun… … are you aware that you’re having fun? Generally yes… it’s fun to have fun, and while having fun you realize you’re having fun… because you’re having fun! This is what the “awareness” of the actualism “method” refers to – the experience of having fun, in and of itself. Having fun is the awareness of having fun!

Hmm so regarding “sensuous”… think of it this way. Have you ever been on a vacation, and went out to eat at a restaurant, and it just tasted so good, so delicious? Like maybe the best meal you had in your life? People frequently have this experience – that eating a meal while on vacation, the meal is incredibly enjoyable. Yet the people that go regularly to the restaurant, who live there, don’t have the same experience of it… anything you do that you do repeatedly, the enjoyment of it tends to dull as the novelty wears off.

What I think is happening is that when you’re on vacation, you’re already in a good mood… you’re having fun, in good company, no worries. From this point of already having a great time, then the food tastes delicious! It isn’t that the food is good – although it surely is – it’s that having fun allows you to enjoy the experience of eating the food much more. This is a sensuous experience… this is what sensuousness refers to.

And it should be clear how, if you’re going about your normal life, are in a bad or foul mood, and you go to a restaurant, that food won’t taste as good… and you can “try” to “enjoy” the food, and “experience” it, in a more “sensuous” way… but that just won’t be the same experience as eating the vacation meal. You can’t force yourself to have fun … to enjoy or appreciate.

I wouldn’t worry about this so much at this point. The actual world is completely invisible to you. You can’t ‘contact’ it… the only way is to have a PCE. And that will happen at some point! Until then… enjoy being alive :slight_smile:

Do what you would do when you’re having fun or eating that vacation meal :smiley: . And it’s more about recognizing the enjoyment of the mood in and of itself, rather than the particular things that you are doing while enjoying. The vacation meal is exceptionally tasty… but not (just) because of the food (the conditional thing)… rather because you are enjoying being alive already (which is what can be relatively unconditional).

I hope this helps!


This salient point eluded me completely for the first few months, maybe even a year. It is just so stupidly simple that one tends to overlook it. It’s similar to consciousness (the state of being conscious) which is somewhat pre-implied in our daily life. I was like: Ok, I’m conscious, so what? What’s so special about it? After my first PCE I was like consciousnesssssssssss!!! :smile:


Claudiu thank you! Your reply is so detailed and wonderful with great examples.
I have to really read it and let it sink in ( and have fun with it )
so I can let the meaning of it seep in me,

I have to keep working lol, at this having fun stuff :smile:
I will write a progress report in a few days, Thanks

The sensuosity is something you can look for when you’re feeling good!

The present-time awareness is because, now is the only time you can feel good - it is always now!


This is very palpable, claudiu, and I am able to comprehend and experientially know what it is that your are saying. :appreciation:

Kuba wrote : When I first started applying the method I became aware of the fact that I was deathly terrified of doing nothing. It would bring up very intense feelings of boredom and meaningless. I came to realise pretty soon that ‘I’ needed a structure, a plan to operate on and if this was broken down I would experience very intense bouts of sorrow.

So how did you Kuba, or anyone else work out of this initial stage of getting to basic feeling good?

@FrankN The simple answer (and probably not the one you want to hear :stuck_out_tongue: ) is I did anything and everything I could, and I continued chipping away with patience and perseverance until significant change happened.

I think the initial stages of finding out about Actualism and applying the method are tricky, maybe you can’t even lock onto what it means to feel good, never mind feeling good each moment again. Triggers seem to come from every angle and it can be so difficult to get back to anything resembling feeling good once they kick in. All of ‘me’ seems to be angled towards sorrow and malice and against felicity/innocuity.

The method does not yet ‘click’ so there is doubt and insecurity as to what to do, what is the ‘right’ way to proceed.

The annoying answer is that no-one will be able to give you that magical recipe. The exploration and discovery will have to be done by yourself. The usefull thing is that each time you hit a dead end you are actually 1 step closer to finding the genuine answer, eventually things will start to come together somewhat.

The best thing to do is continue reading and understanding about Actualism, continue writing on here so that any dead ends are identified and rectified sooner, and continue chipping away bit by bit. I still remember how impossible it seemed at the beginning to ever get anywhere with this, but it is possible. It is possible for you just as it was possible for everyone else who became Virtually free or Actually free, you have all the ‘conditions’ in place to do it, if you want it.


That makes me happy :smile: … and your reply is very helpful, and reassuring ( only an struggling actualist would understand this advise, btw) .

I am doing exactly what you have suggested, and I have made some progress, that I have not reported on yet, because I am trying to concentrate on “me”, rather than try to crow( henry) about it, and by doing so distract from my intent and sincerity. I will report when I am ready.

Thanks Kuba, that was really helpful and it is much appreciated.
Keep it coming guys ( and gals)

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the way you write is so wonderful Kuba …everyone here are so helpful …ever since i came to discuss so many things has changed inside me …this me is getting small i hope… well by writing here i felt me is getting bigger …so after Elgin’s finishing sentence ,it is like me don’t want to show off itself any more …maybe me is hiding to not get braked …but here was and is a really good feild to see myself clearly .

Cludiu ,henrry, migule , elgin , felix , james and Srinath , geoffry …i forever indebt to you until i become actually free :smiley:…you guys are incredible…

by the way james i have been thinking about you , i guess or i hope you are enjoying and appreciating this moment of being alive by the lake …

@leila hold on, now what was I saying to you before about all this gratitude? :rofl: Alright, look it’s fine really as a temporary thing, but you’ll soon find that it creates its own problems.


i knew you are gonna come out and say something dear Srinath :smiley:…but i miss people here … after 4 days i was just gonna say hi …but i think it was a bad idea … :smiley: thanks for this affective feelings i am gonna read it now :sweat_smile: :wink:

… Richard : As strange as it may initially seem, gratitude has the same deleterious effect upon one’s well-being as the resentment it seeks to reform. When gratitude is realised as being the panacea that it is, one will gladly renounce it along with the resentment it promises to replace.
To successfully dispense with the despised resentment, its companion emotion, the extolled gratitude, must also go.


i guess i have to change all my vocabulary then…

Richard : Unless the factuality of the existence of the third alternative is firmly grasped, one is forever fated to shuttle back and forth between the opposites. Gratitude simply does not work for it draws its energy from resentment itself … and from nowhere else. Gratitude feeds off resentment – one cannot be grateful unless one is first resentful – and one cannot maintain any emotion without retaining its opposite.

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The vocabulary isn’t the most important thing. I thank people regularly and often. It is expected in the society I live in and I’m happy to oblige. It’s most important to understand why that feeling of gratitude is there and what the potential negative consequences are of defaulting to it.


@leila Thanks leila, I have been sitting at the lake every morn while eating breakfast and watching the ducks. It is very enjoyable. Are you enjoying your walks?

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So wonderful james . i can’t wait to read your report of actually becoming free very soon .remember not to fall for anybody here or out there :smiley:,it is gonna be another suffering …lets aim at the infinitude of the universe .
I am enjoying my walks too …i encounter a lot of problems .but i guess they are natural …


@Srinath …when i thank people in social life , like when i want somebody to do something for me , i know that if i dont say thank you in advance , they are not gonna do a good job ,i have this fear of them , i feel like they might say something or feel i am nobody or i dont deserve anything , so by saying thank you to them i am telling them : i am nice , so please do the job good !

but in here now i see that those thank you, had a huge negative consequences for me , i felt really disappointed because Not only did no one acknowledged the writing, but they also did not respond to thanks…
now i have this anger or maybe resentment … i feel like it all clicked for me right here …

i see that my default mode is anger and fear …and not know what to do with them …

by doing the method Eietmoba i have noticed that most of the time when i am not home ,and walking i can enjoy and appreciate this moment of being alive…but when i get home , i fail to bring that joy or that relaxed and fun mood here to the house…i bring my disappointment with life and people instead …

i remember yesterday i was not feeling good and i started to write those thank you so i get a good feeling about it …

even seeing that you got so many likes for your post , made me feel bad…


i am reading this " Why the Actualism Method? that you have been written …

Although I have translated these before, but it seems like I am reading it for the first time, all your words are included in this …" for instance :

"This is why ‘I’ am never happy for very long before I turn insecure and start looking for deficits that need correcting – more love, more gratitude journals :sweat_smile: , more validation from others, :sweat_smile:

and this is all ’ me ’ that one of its primary goals is dissatisfaction – and seeking to remedy it through pacificatory reassurance and aggrandisement…

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One thing I found is that appreciation is so much better and well received than gratitude. Gratitude places people on a pedestal where appreciation is more of a recognition of something good. Being appreciative is for your own personal enjoyment with the added benefit of helping you connect and ingratiate w/ someone else.

And it’s much more fun than gratitude and doesn’t run the risk of resentment.

@leila I’m curious how it has been for you as I know English is a second language for you. Do you find it’s easy to pick up the differences between words that share similar meanings - - like gratitude / appreciation?

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Well , Farsi language is very limited and i didn’t even know this differences between appreciation and gratitude… and i have never thought about it either …

Now ,i just google searched the meaning for appreciation and gratitude …as you said it , appreciation is more like a recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something…and gratitude more like a sense of obligation.

very interesting that all my life i have been using Gratitude to place people on a pedestal and causing resentment …!

Only for the real and the actual , it was easy to pick up the difference …

i appreciate you teaching me this differences edzd.