Hi. Although I am dealing with some issues that require my attention and so I have not yet been able to respond to some messages (although I have been reading when I could), I did want to take a moment to ask @geoffrey AND @Srinath :
Do you remember generating the paper key by going to Preferences, Security and pressing “Generate Paper Key”, as I showed in my first post?
If you did, did you save it in a txt as I believe it is recommended? (but I forgot to indicate it in my post). It’s a series of words, like these (I deleted my last one, no problem):
- Even if you did not copy an save your paper key, you should be able to:
a) In Preferences export the encryption key pair and import it where you (@geoffrey) showed that it’s offered.
b) OR, in Preferences press “Activate another device” and follow the instructions.
I took the opportunity to enter with my cell phone to preferences (device that I never activate to send and receive encrypted messages), to see what it shows. Look:
Note that it says that I have encryption enabled because it detects that my user did generate a paper key (on my PC). This is where (in the device not yet activated) you should type or copy and paste that key (generated in an enabled device, where evidently you have generated a paper key once).
- @claudiu: as far as I understand encryption is disabled by default, because if a user never generates ANY key (does not follow the steps of my first post in ANY device) he will always send and receive unencrypted messages.