Allusions to Actual Freedom existing before Richard

Scout: I read the CRO’s, I’m not trying to retread old territory. I didn’t see any quotes raised there for discussion indicating that others had maybe gone all the way before, which constitutes potential proof.

Exactly, no examples by those who raised the question that another had “gone all the way”. You suggest that it was “potential proof”. Even you yourself cannot confidently state that it would be.

Have you ever heard that one cannot disprove something that does not exist? For instance, can you prove with confidence that a one-eyed one-horned flying purple people-eater does not exist somewhere in this infinite universe?

It is comparable to Fallacy No. 10 – burden of proof fallacy. [The legal example: People accused of crimes are presumed innocent. The burden of proving that they are guilty rests on the prosecutor. The accused doesn’t have to prove anything.]

Scout: I’m not done with the method and will continue applying it; it just feels excruciatingly slow, and I am hungry for change, so I am trying to ascertain as much as I can about what I am exploring to ensure I am not spinning my wheels. I probably still am, unconsciously, to some extent. (link)

That is good to hear. The fact that it is “excruciatingly slow” perhaps has something to do with not understanding, or misunderstanding, the actualism method. Perhaps you could explain where exactly you get stuck when being affectively attentive to how you experience being alive, and after getting back to feeling good, examine the trigger for the diminishment of your enjoying this moment of being alive.

Cheers Vineeto